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Baltimore IMC

In the Other Press

To alleviate the problem of articles from other press sources being reposted on this IMC site, this section allows users to link to articles published elsewhere, and to contribute and read comments on those pieces. Have something interesting to post?


Commentary :: The Enemy

Religion as Social Liability

The recent religious furore over certain (cartoon) publications in the secular press unambiguously identify ‘religion’ as little more than cheap politics; or put in simpler more accurate terms; religion is the politics of the mentally deficient. Consider the possibility of an infinite creator/God and the arrogance of those who actually think or imagine they or any other finite being could possibly pollute, insult or deface that God. A characteristic of Godhead is IMMUTABILITY! Rationalists would refer to the basic logic of the inability of the finite to apprehend the infinite (God); the two states are mutually exclusive. But it is obvious that ‘God’ is as far removed from the present issue as day is from night.

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation : Middle East

The End of a Political Fiction? By Adam Hanieh

Defying predictions from participants and observers, the final election results for the Palestinian Legislative Council gave Hamas 74 seats compared to 45 for Fatah. Hamas's landslide victory in the January 25 elections for the 132-seat PLC is a turning point for politics in both Palestine and the broader Middle East. Arguably for the first time since the establishment of Israel in 1948, an official administrative power in the West Bank and Gaza Strip has strong popular support and is not directly beholden to Israeli or US interests. Analysis by Adam Hanieh.

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation : Middle East

Middle East after Sharon. By Hussein Agha / Robert Malley

Ariel Sharon has been the incarnation of Israeli nationalism: a general and prime minister, heir to forms of both socialist and revisionist Zionism. He tried through war and murder to make the occupation of the Palestinian territories and the foundation of settlements irreversible. However, the intifadas persuaded him to play the man of peace in order to disarm international pressure and preserve Israel's hold on Palestine. With the withdrawal from Gaza, he put the 'road-map to peace' on hold as he accelerated the building of settlements and the separation wall. This strategy, and his ability to rally the international community to his vision of and way to political settlement, won him unprecedented popularity in Israel. Now his departure from the political scene will alter the Middle East, making the Palestinian legislative elections more uncertain while increasing the unknowns in the upcoming Israeli elections. Hussein Agha and Robert Malley offer in depth analysis.

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Commentary :: Right Wing

Bin Laden Backfire

US ‘intelligence’ agencies now realise the ‘Bin Laden’ tape has been a huge flop and the effect has been the reverse of that anticipated. It has also proven to be a monumental liability as people around the globe are now questioning the veracity of all allegations relating to Bin Laden and Al Qaeda; Howard and Blair beware, even the Arabs are questioning their ideological base. Well done Semitic ideologues, neo-cons and Straussians. External attacks are unnecessary, you are doing an excellent job on yourselves – no help needed or wanted!

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Class : Urban Development

VIDEO > Housing Rights for New Orleans Hurricane Survivors

This video includes interviews from evacuees in NY and those who've returned to New Orleans. This issue is currently effecting the lives of thousands of people and it's still not too late to help put pressure where it needs to be put to force the goverenment to deal with these people properly.

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Commentary :: Right Wing

Bin Laden to the Rescue

In a desperate attempt to retrieve the tatters that is the Bush government, Bin Laden has again come to the rescue – perfect timing! Who remembers the last major announcement from the person who has done more to assist Bush than any other man on the planet? It was during the last presidential election when Bush was in desperate need of an alarmist boost.

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Commentary :: Theory and Information

A Strategy Primer

Social cohesion has never been more fragile than in the present. Developing an effective survival strategy in an age of bankrupt ideologies (political and other) is a challenging but not impossible task. All known political ideologies have failed or are failing (including capitalism). The lack of viable alternatives betrays a beaten and retractive population not a shortage of options.

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News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Crime & Police : Protest Activity : U.S. Government

NSA Used City Police as Trackers. By Douglas Birch

National Security Agency used Baltimore City Police intelligence department as trackers of peace activists. Activists of Baltimore Pledge of Resistance were clandestinely monitored on their way to a Fort Meade protest, NSA memos shows.

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