Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

In the Other Press

To alleviate the problem of articles from other press sources being reposted on this IMC site, this section allows users to link to articles published elsewhere, and to contribute and read comments on those pieces. Have something interesting to post?


Commentary :: Globalization

Derail Doha, Save the Climate

A sharp U-turn in consumption and growth in the developed countries and a significant decrease in global trade are unavoidable if we want to have a viable strategy against climate change.

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Commentary :: Politics

Exposing Bush's historic abuse of power

Salon has uncovered new evidence of post 9/11 spying on Americans. Obtained documents point to a potential investigation of the White House that could rival Watergate.

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Interview :: Economy

Stiglitz on McCain: If He Doesn't Understand the Economy, He Doesn't Understand Security

"If we had infinite resources, we might be able to have perfect
security. But America, like every other country, has resource
constraints. That means you need to be smart-that is,
economic-about the money we spend. If you weaken the American
economy, y8ou wont be able to find the resources you need for
security. The two cannot be separated."

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Announcement :: Environment

The Story of Stuff

The more you buy, the better person you are, we are told. 5% of the world's population is using 25-30% of the world's energy and raw materials. Corporations obeying the law of profit depend on products breaking down.

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News :: Activism : Baltimore MD

Spying uncovered: Documents show state police monitored peace and anti-death penalty groups

Undercover Maryland State Police officers repeatedly spied on peace
activists and anti-death penalty groups in recent years and entered
the names of some in a law-enforcement database of people thought
to be terrorists or drug traffickers, newly released documents
show. The files, made public yesterday by the American Civil
Liberties Union of Maryland, depict a pattern of infiltration of
the activists' organizations in 2005 and 2006. The activists
contend that the authorities were trying to determine whether they
posed a security threat to the United States. But none of the 43
pages of summaries and computer logs - some with agents' names and
whole paragraphs blacked out - mention criminal or even potentially
criminal acts, the legal standard for initiating such surveillance.

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Commentary :: International Relations

US: security's bottom line

Just 15 numbers tell the history of the past seven years in which a once wealthy and relatively secure nation near-bankrupted itself, pursued chimeras and funded chaos-causing wars that left it poorer and less safe than ever before.

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Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Gender and Sexuality

Holla Back Baltimore: Blog to publically document harassment against women

This blog is for womyn and transfolks in Baltimore. Catcalling and
public sexual harassment is rampant, and we rarely have the power
in our society to fight back with words or fists without inciting
anger or more harassment. So "If you can't slap 'em, snap 'em!" Use
your camera phone to snap pictures of street harassers or just post
what was said or your comments on street harassment.

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Announcement :: Labor

Workers of the World, Relax!

All the labor-saving technologies were going to usher in the Age of Leisure. However instead people are working longer and harder. This new movie by Conrad Schmidt could make us critical philosophers and free us from a sense of helplessness.

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