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In the Other Press

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News :: Europe : International Relations : Military : Protest Activity : U.S. Government

Anti-U.S. Uproar Sweeps Italy. By D. Swanson

The U.S. government has proposed to make Vicenza, Italy, the largest US military site in Europe, but the people of Vicenza, and all of Italy, have sworn it will never happen. In February of this year, 200,000 people descended on the Northeastern Italian town of Vicenza (population 100,000) to march in protest. Largely as a result, the Prime Minister of Italy was (temporarily) driven out of power. Read more…

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Commentary :: Environment

The Insular Conservative: John Winston Howard

The Federal Minister of Employment and Workplace Relations (big) Joe Hockey was forced this week to draw his leader’s attention to the oppressive reality facing average working Australians. Crushing debt, loss of penalty rates and other entitlements have forced many Australian families to the wall. Mortgagee sales in working class areas throughout the nation have increased at an alarming rate. John Howard, the darling of big business and the Corporate sector wondered why the common people were not eating cake!

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Commentary :: Military

Asymmetry delivers Victory

From Sun tzu to today’s flying LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) the fundamental decisive factors determining the outcome of war have never changed – though some ‘superpowers’ would have us all believe otherwise. The determining factors are and have always been, intelligence, skill, ingenuity and tactics – all other factors, including high technology, are secondary. The outcome of War is determined by and anchored in the warrior.

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Commentary :: Environment

Frantic Lunge from Drowning Conservative

Howard’s latest glib contribution, ‘Australia Rising’, delivered at the Queensland Media Club today, is yet another attempt to claw back into favour and steal attention away from the Murdoch endorsed future Prime Minister, Kevin (I can suck harder than you) Rudd. Howard’s spin-doctors have been working overtime to no avail it would seem. Following the ridiculous and desperate attempts to steal the agenda with infantile attacks on US presidential candidates, the HIV positive and most recently Howard's very revealing and ‘removed’ call for divine intervention regarding the water crisis, the “Australia Rising” speech will no doubt be greeted by the public with all the disdain it deserves!

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News :: Drugs : Globalization : Health Care : Miscellaneous

Health Freedom Action Alert

Under these proposed guidelines, FDA "experts" (the same corrupt officials who reapproved Vioxx after it killed over 50,000 Americans) will decide whether herbs, supplements, vitamins or simple devices like massage stones are to be regulated as drugs and medical devices. If the FDA experts, in their infinite wisdom, decide that these things are to be reclassified, they will essentially be outlawed, stripped from the shelves, and regulated out of existence. Anyone who dares to manufacture, promote or sell such products may be branded a criminal and rounded up by armed FDA agents who have a well established history of suppressing natural medicine.

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Commentary :: Poverty

Guaranteed Income, Guaranteed Dignity: War on Poverty

Part of what's holding back a guaranteed annual income is perception and language. All people should share in increased productivity. In Germany the GDP rose 300% from 1950-2000 with 20% fewer workers.

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation : Media

The Candidate of Oz

The closer Australia gets to the Federal election, the fewer the political differences between the two major candidates! The chances of opposition leader, Kevin Rudd becoming the next Australian prime minister have increased dramatically following his private dinner engagement with king maker, Rupert Murdoch in New York today. During his quick visit to the U.S., Rudd also addressed the Brookings Institution in Washington and confirmed that any negligible differences between his policies and Howard’s would be completely eradicated by the time of the election and that he was ready, willing and able to assume the ’position’ of lackey, sycophant and new governor of America’s newest colonial acquisition, Australia! [O Ned, you’re better off dead!]

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Commentary :: Media

The Art of Misinformation and Crowd Management

In answer to growing animosity and the widely held view that the USA is a pariah among nations, compensatory responses from U.S. propagandists are becoming more frequent. The following media ‘staff report’ has been released to a number of international media outlets; India, Pakistan, Australia and Thailand to name the few. However, the ‘news’ release has received little coverage elsewhere, especially in locations familiar with U.S. double standards and hypocrisy. We refer to two Australian releases for our brief analysis.

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