News :: Protest Activity
Raising Our Heads At a Historic Moment
Bob Avakian has been working intensely to wrench something different out of this
moment—and to raise the sights of us all to the ways and possibilities of
doing that.
In Elections: Democracy and Dictatorship, Resistance and Revolution he really
dissects the current situation around the election. He breaks down why Bush is
doing what he is doing and why Kerry is doing what he is doing—how they are
both "auditioning" for who can be the best commander-in-chief to
represent the larger interests of the U.S. monopoly imperialist ruling class;
and why being confined by the terms and logic of this election is very dangerous
for the people
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News :: Media
Wireless World: Cellphones and polls
29 Oct 2004
Gene Koprowski
Great story by Gene Koprowski about pollsters missing affluent, mobile voters.
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What Really Hit the South Tower on 9/11/01? (Scott Loughrey)
Scott Loughrey describes his trip to New York on 9/11/04 where he asked eyewitnesses what they saw strike the World Trade Center.
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LOCAL News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Elections & Legislation : Miscellaneous : Protest Activity
No Stolen Elections: Fourth in a Series

A national planning conference call was conducted the evening of October 27. This article summarizes who was on the call and what contingecy plans are being made.
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RNC Redux: An anarchist analysis of the 2004 RNC protests (CrimethInc)
28 Oct 2004
Alexander Trocchi
An anarchist analysis by a faction of the infamous CrimethInc collective of the events of the RNC 2004, focusing on the organizing
and direct action aspects of the protests and what it means for the future of direct action in the United States.
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Liberation News Voter Recommendations for President
28 Oct 2004
Steven Argue
No to Corporate Politics!
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Not voting? Voting 3rd party? Let's talk.
First of all let me validate you. We are all trying to make the world a better place for our families and community. Let us not fall into the Bushspeak world of 'with us or against us' mentality.
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¿No votaras? ¿Planas de votar para un partido tercero? Nos hablemos.
(Amigos favor de excusar los errores aquí. Mi español es mejor cada día - pero me faltan bastantes días)
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