The Future of the World at Stake
01 Nov 2004
Florian Roetzer
Every good republican knows the world is solid Kerry territory. A survey by pollsters HI Europe earlier in October found that, if Europeans had a vote, they would back Kerry over Bush by a 6 to 1 margin. Bush would win just 6% in Germany, 5% in Spain and a measly 4% in France.
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The Public Stoning of Martha Stewart: A Lifting of the Veil
01 Nov 2004
Joyce Walker
Members of the mainstream press flew into Martha Stewart with more than their usual viciousness following her setting out as a political victim. Having nothing substantial to use against her, they have given negative connotations to her success, mocked the domestic skills which has made her a success, twisted what she said and misquoted her, and made hateful remarks that could not have gotten past the editor in the days of ethical media practices.
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LOCAL Review :: Baltimore MD
A Review of Baltimore's Halloween Critical Massquerade, by Scott Loughrey
An essay about last friday's (10/29/04) Critical Mass.
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News :: Elections & Legislation
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Vote for Green Party Candidates for City Council
01 Nov 2004
Kay Dellinger
In this election Baltimoreans should vote for progressive change in the City Council.
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Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution
01 Nov 2004
James F. Harrington
When I was very young, I remember my family taking my uncle to Logan International Airport in Boston. One side of the Sumner Tunnel had been blocked to traffic due to security situations, because Fidel Castro was due to be passing through at any moment. This was the very day that he made his famous speech at Harvard University.
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Vote for Peace and Democracy, Vote FOR RALPH NADER
01 Nov 2004
Kay Dellinger
Vote against the Republicrats and against the illegal Iraq War by voting for Ralph Nader.
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Announcement :: Elections & Legislation
Eminem’s Mosh video: FUCK BUSH
31 Oct 2004
The World Wants Change
Eminem’s Mosh video will awaken the rage within. The time is now to come together and fire the number one weapon of mass destruction: BUSH
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Bin Laden: an Anti-Lebanese Claiming to Care for Lebanese
31 Oct 2004
Mid Easteren American

Osama bin Laden video:
An Anti-Lebanese Claiming to Care for Lebanese
"While I was looking at these destroyed towers in Lebanon, it sparked in my mind that the tyrant should be punished with the same and that we should destroy towers in America, so that it tastes what we taste and would be deterred from killing our children and women. "
.................................. Osama Bin Laden - Video 2004
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