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Bin Laden: an Anti-Lebanese Claiming to Care for Lebanese

Osama bin Laden video: An Anti-Lebanese Claiming to Care for Lebanese "While I was looking at these destroyed towers in Lebanon, it sparked in my mind that the tyrant should be punished with the same and that we should destroy towers in America, so that it tastes what we taste and would be deterred from killing our children and women. " .................................. Osama Bin Laden - Video 2004
Osama Bin Laden has always claimed to care for the Palestinian people, the Lebanese people and the Iraqi people. However, it is not the first time when terrorists try to justify their acts abusing the misery of people who lives political or socio-economical conflicts. Lebanon 1982 In the years from 1974-1982 the Syrian-formed guerrillas in Lebanon were massacring Lebanese civilians, destroying their homes, and forcing thousands of them to leave their towns as well as their country. In 1982, Beirut was mostly occupied by the Palestinian guerrillas, while the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) lead by Yasser Arafat was using the Capital of Lebanon as head quarters to operate, launching attacks against North Israel. Yasser Arafat himself bragged about occupying Beirut of Lebanon later when he replied to a question in a press conference after signing Oslo agreement saying: “ I've ruled Beirut for two years – I can rule an independent Palestinian state". In June 1982, the Israeli forces invaded Lebanon reaching into Beirut . Usama Bin Laden: an Anti-Lebanese Bin Laden claims that he felt for the Lebanese during the 1982 invasion, and he decided that the Tyrants should be punished. He completely ignored the thousands of Lebanese citizens killed by the Syrian and Palestinian, and the massacres and displacements forced by the Syrian and Palestinian militants. Bin Laden’s “morals” allow Arab Tyrants to occupy and massacre innocents – that is exactly what he does. He accepted the killing of the Lebanese women and children by the Syrians and Palestinian militants since his aim is to fight the United States and the free world. The Towers of Beirut Bin Laden spoke about the destroyed towers in Lebanon during the Israeli invasion of 1982. Using the formal Arabic in its archaic form, he referred to the multi-story buildings in Beirut by towers. In his racist behavior, he completely accepted the Syrian destruction of the Lebanese buildings and their atrocities against the Lebanese families; he blamed everything on the United States. Abusing the Lebanese Cause The people of Lebanon who fled their country, especially those in the United States of America, are outrageous because Bin Laden is using their cause to attack the United States. The Lebanese Americans feel grateful for the United States and the steps it took in launching a world-wide war against terrorism, and for supporting the Lebanese nation’s right in restoring their country from the tyranny of the Syrian Baath occupation. Unfortunately, since Lebanon fell to complete Syrian occupation in 1990, the Syrian regime has been appointing pro-Syrian governments in Lebanon that allow the terrorism against the Lebanese and the free-world to grow. Bin Laden Terrorism: all Started from Lebanon In a “Bin Laden tape” that was released after September 11 attacks, Osama referred to the terrorist attacks against the peace keeping troops in Lebanon as the first victory against the United States because it forced the US and the Multi-national forces to pullout from Lebanon. He explained that this was what made him certain that he can attack the United States and “defeat” it. To get the story correct about how the US was defeated by terrorists, we need to mention that after the Israeli forces invaded Lebanon in 1982, a Multinational force made up of US and West European troops were deployed in Beirut after an international mediation. The agreement called for PLO, Syrian and Israeli forces to pull of Beirut . Thousands of PLO militiamen were deported from Lebanon while the Syrian and Israeli army were withdrawing from Beirut . In September 1982, the Lebanese president-elect was assassinated which disrupted the agreement. In the following year, Syrian-sponsored groups launched suicide bombing attacks against the peace-keeping US and French forces barracks killing 300 of them. The multinational forces were forced to leave Lebanon while the Syrian troops advanced in Beirut . The terrorists got their first break in history where they can defy the free world and force the nations by terror to back up.

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