Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

"Eyes on the Prize" public screenings - can we do this in Baltimore?

The makers of the landmark "Eyes on the Prize" documentary series are hoping for screenings of the films in major cities throughout the US on February 8th.

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Commentary :: Right Wing

Consevative's Almighty Values Debunked

Aren't you sick of hearing about the Conservative's Almighty Values?

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LOCAL News :: Miscellaneous

Robo-Maid $10 Intro Offer = $104 Bait & Switch

After ordering a Robomaid and a set of pads (approximately $25 with shipping) I recieved a package containing 2 Robomaids, 6 sets of pads and a bill of nearly $93 on my Visa.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

Coronation of Corruption

You are a slave. this is why you are a slave. Living in denial of it is of no benefit to you or anyone else.

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Review :: Civil & Human Rights : Europe : Globalization : International Relations : U.S. Government

Bush swears in with Liberty at the forefront

The core of his speach being ""The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands." Let's see how that impacts us and those "other lands"

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/29/05)


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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:White House Campaign to Privatize Social Security Based on...

...Phony Crisis ~ Interview with economist John Miller, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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News :: Crime & Police

Interrogating technique

Sexual pressure on detainees in Gitmo gets a new dimension (in blood)

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News :: Crime & Police

Environmentalist and Political Prisoner - Tre Arrow

an update from the Media as the Judge speaking tour

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Commentary :: Culture


English word "show" has escalated meanings in other languages too. Usually it stands for spectacle, variete and even burlesque

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