News :: Activism : Baltimore MD : Children
Baltimore Algebra Projects gives city failing grades
The Baltimore Algebra Project held a rally on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 demanding more funding for the Baltimore City Public schools.
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News :: Globalization : History : Middle East : Peace : War in Iraq
“The Elections in Palestine and Iraq: What Lies Ahead?”
Come hear Junaid Ahmad discuss the elections of these two occupied lands.
Wednesday, Febuary 16th @ 7pm
Pace Center – 700 W. Franklin St.
Richmond, VA
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LOCAL Announcement :: Media
NYC Indymedia Censors Article
NYC Indymedia censors article 30 minutes after it appears.
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Panel Whitewashes Chertoff’s Torture Resume’
Michael Chertoff, a former hatchet man for A. G. John Ashcroft, is slated to become the new Czar of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). His appointment hearing before a U.S. Senate Committee, on 02/02/05, was a farce. While working for Ashcroft, he ran rough shod over the rights of defendants. At his hearing, Chertoff, a crony of Professor Alan Dershowitz, put the blame on others and denied approving any specific torture methods.
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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights
Ward Churchill responds to attacks...
Press Release - by Ward Churchill
January 31, 2005
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BTL:Historically, Transition to Democracy Rare Under Military Occupation
Interview with historian Howard Zinn, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
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While the commander in thief gave his speech on 1/20/05 the rest of the world saw this image.
While the commander in theif was giving his speech here in ameriKa the rest of the planet saw an image of a little 4 year old girl with the blood of her parents dripping from her body. The BBC has 11 images of this death seen from the first shot fired by our own military.
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911 and the Society of the Spectacle

Loughrey argues the progressive community is unknowingly trapped in a matrix.
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