While the commander in thief gave his speech on 1/20/05 the rest of the world saw this image.
While the commander in theif was giving his speech here in ameriKa the rest of the planet saw an image of a little 4 year old girl with the blood of her parents dripping from her body. The BBC has 11 images of this death seen from the first shot fired by our own military.

While the commander in theif was giving his speech here in ameriKa the rest of the planet saw an image of a little 4 year old girl with the blood of her parents dripping from her body. The BBC has 11 images of this death seen from the first shot fired by our own military.
To think that this human being could stand before a tv camera and smirk and smile when he talks about how good things are in Irag shows his total disconnect with the reality of the war he and his group of criminals thought out a few years ago when they wrote what is called PNAC. The blue print to take over the world through force for the resources each country has and his group want.
Meanwhile the other part of this equation is the religious right wing nuts cases who want the second coming of some god to raptor up the chosen few and don't care about Earth Mother. This is a quote from Bill Moyer :
"Remember James Watt, President Ronald Reagan's first secretary of the interior? My favorite online environmental journal, the ever-engaging Grist, reminded us recently of how James Watt told the U.S. Congress that protecting natural resources was unimportant in light of the imminent return of Jesus Christ. In public testimony he said, "after the last tree is felled, Christ will come back."
You can read the full article here :