News :: Crime & Police
Bush is a child molester!!
Logic tells me that anyone cold blooded to order the killing of innocent men women and children for greed can order up your children for lust!! think about it!
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News :: Middle East
An appeal for solidarity concerning the threathening demolition of a Palestinian house
Underlying information is revealing not only a highly condemnable event, but especially symbols the Israeli policy of mass land and house-exproprations within Israel at the cost of a great number of Israeli Arabs.
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News :: Crime & Police : Europe
How fast was that?
Kosovo, so far under the protection of NATO and EU has become the largest provider of drugs to the rest of the Europe. What are all those forces doing there? Smoking a doobie? Selling doobies?
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Testing U Testing the Broken Patterns of Your Thought Processesssss
assist you in smashing U brain-washing, to actualize severe changes that dignity/honor call down upon R thinking, clarity of our goals, the design processes of strategies for change and the purpose/operations of the institutions that shape our lives/deaths.
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News :: Activism
Beyond thge barricades of US Minds
Without a rapid decline in consumption in the rich countries environmental issues are hopeless...chances of meaningful social change non-existent. Resource wars/imperialism will be only issues left. These are the challenges and time limits that we face.
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Who's next?
The history of lawlessness within the Halls of Justice is pretty full of some scary images. Let's just take a look at the pictures
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A composition worth owning
For a long while now - I had the ugly feeling that we are collectively placed at the "fait accompli" resolved situation and asked if we do or do we NOT "support our troops". This is my support for the troops. It quickly becomes a moot point once our boys are overseas. Of course we'll support the troups, and wish them a safe return.
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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD
jobs for ex-cons in Baltimore
a question to the baltimore community
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