Who's next?
The history of lawlessness within the Halls of Justice is pretty full of some scary images. Let's just take a look at the pictures

Maybe he'll be the next one to join?

Alfred Dreyfus, an obscure captain in the French army, came from a Jewish family that had left its native Alsace for Paris when Germany annexed that province in 1871. In 1894 papers discovered in a wastebasket in the office of a German military attaché made it appear that a French military officer was providing secret information to the German government.

Emile Zola was the only raised voice.

Perhaps on of these two fella's?

The arrest of Sacco and Vanzetti had coincided with the period of the most intense political repression in American history, the "Red Scare" 1919-20. The police trap they had fallen into had been set for a comrade of theirs, suspected primarily because he was a foreign-born radical. While neither Sacco nor Vanzetti had any previous criminal record, they were long recognized by the authorities and their communities as anarchist militants who had been extensively involved in labor strikes, political agitation, and antiwar propaganda and who had had several serious confrontations with the law.

Definitely won't be this one to join the others.

Maybe he will be joining the above club?
The article by Emile Zola (13 January 1898 - admittedly a long time ago) "J'accuse", was a timeless masterpiece. It is our misfortune to witness the need for the similar stands to this day. Let's have a quick walk down "memory lane", with these less prominent images of people who found themselves hung in the Halls of Justice that didn't work so well. This article is purely pictorial - hence let the reader decide who will be next to join in the on the Walls of the Halls of Justice.