Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


News :: U.S. Government

Dr. Ali al-Timimi Case

If he is convicted, and this precedent is set, freedom of speech will forever be ended in America and all opponents of US policy will be subject to political arrests and prosecutions.

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News :: Biotechnology

beyond treason....


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News :: International Relations

Block this Man! Protest against John Bolton

John Bolton said repeatedly that the United Nations only has value when it serves the interests of the US and that the most effective Security Council would be one in which only the US would be a permanent member.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

this saturday at the Progressive Action Center

is the museum a good place for social change?

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (04/13/05)


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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Help Protect Uncensored Satellite Television for the Chinese People

The TV Station that broke the SARS story in China and pressured the Chinese government to admit the crisis, will go off the air in China on April 15, 2005 due to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Biotechnology : Environment : Protest Activity : Urban Development

Green and Black Urban Gathering at Philly Biotech Protests, June - update


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Announcement :: Miscellaneous

New Anti-Capitalist Film

Calling all anti-capitalists. This is to alert you to a new film – Capitalism and other Kids’ Stuff – that has recently been uploaded to the www and can be seen at , and which argues the anti-capitalist case in simple language.

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Announcement :: Activism

Get Involved With the Baltimore Free Store!!

Become a part of an organization whose goals are to provide quality free goods to people who need them while at the same time promoting reuse and the gift economy.

Become involved in the communities in Baltimore City who have been left behind and forgotten by the exploits of a capitalist system that thrives off of racism, fear, and ignorance.

Help to bridge the gap between a majority white activist community and a majority African American impoverished city.

Be a part of the dialouge for change. Help to destroy racist myths that exist on all sides.

The world isn't going to change by holding a sign, it's going to take you creating the change you want to see.

Baltimore Free Store Organizational Meeting.

Wednesday April 13
Red Emmas (800 St. Paul Street)

410-340-9004 for any ?'s

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LOCAL Commentary :: Media

Boycott Amy Goodman on 4/15/05

Amy Goodman, host of 'Democracy Now', is working on behalf of power. Her appearance is a charade; she is only posing as a progressive journalist.

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