Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism

Get Involved With the Baltimore Free Store!!

Become a part of an organization whose goals are to provide quality free goods to people who need them while at the same time promoting reuse and the gift economy.

Become involved in the communities in Baltimore City who have been left behind and forgotten by the exploits of a capitalist system that thrives off of racism, fear, and ignorance.

Help to bridge the gap between a majority white activist community and a majority African American impoverished city.

Be a part of the dialouge for change. Help to destroy racist myths that exist on all sides.

The world isn't going to change by holding a sign, it's going to take you creating the change you want to see.

Baltimore Free Store Organizational Meeting.

Wednesday April 13
Red Emmas (800 St. Paul Street)

410-340-9004 for any ?'s

You are invited to attend the Baltimore Free Store's monthly organizational meeting being held on Wednesday April 13, 8pm, at Red Emmas Coffee Shop located at 800 St. Paul Street.

The Baltimore Free Store collects donated and salvaged items and provides them to no to low-income people for free. We gather donations, keep them in storage, and then set up at locations that will have us. We target no to low-income individuals and neighborhoods. At this time our goal is one set up a month.

Come and find out how you can get involved, where the Baltimore Free Store is headed, and share your ideas. The possibilities with this project are nearly limitless, we just need the people to make it happen.

For more information see

If you have any questions you can reach us at: or 410-340-9004.

**The Baltimore Free Store is run and organized by a group of social and economic justice activists. We are affiliated with no group or organization. Our basic principle is that Capitalism is an exploitative system that produces over consumption, waste, and thrives off of racism, fear, and ignorance to sustain its existence. By promoting reuse and the gift economy we are doing our part to create the society in which we would want to live.

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