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Baltimore IMC


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Announcement :: Activism : Elections & Legislation : Environment : Miscellaneous : U.S. Government

Knock Nukes out of the Climate Stewardship Act

First Ever Summer Crossing of the Arctic to Highlight Global Warming

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (05/25/05)


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News :: Protest Activity

S. KOREA. MIGRANT WORKERS STRUGGLE... continuing. Latest news about Anwar, the recently arrested president of MTU.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Europe : International Relations

A kind invitation

The debt of gratitude to the NATO forces and Bill Clinton in particular can not be forgotten, so we decided to invite him over and celebrate together all the blessed days since he bombed us into stone age.

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Commentary :: Economy

The Value of Workers

Maybe we need the twit class to take care of us. Maybe we need then to, as *they* say, take the risks. But then again, mabe we don't.

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News :: Children : Civil & Human Rights : Environment : Labor : Protest Activity

FOR THE SAKE OF THE KIDS: West Virginia Residents Confront Massey Energy

While Massey Energy stockholders met at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City, parents, grandparents, and other residents of Coal River Valley, West Virginia rallied to oppose Massey's operations adjacent to Marsh Fork Elementary School. Two grandmothers and a third resident of the valley attempted to deliver a list of demands. The residents were met by the plant's head of security who refused to allow them to present their demands. When the residents again attempted to present their demands, they were arrested in a moving and dramatic act of civil conscience.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights



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Commentary :: War in Iraq



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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (05/24/05)


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Commentary :: Protest Activity

Sharon Gets Hostile Reception in D.C.

Leave it to Israel’s Ariel Sharon to bring everyone together! His appearance in Washington, DC, on May 23, 2005, brought out hundreds of vocal demonstrators. The occasion was the annual conference of AIPAC, which is a part of the alien-based Zionist Cartel juggernaut. Ex-U.S. Sen. Ernest F. Hollings (D-SC) said, “The Iraq War was for Israel.” Are Sharon and the Zionist Cartel scheming a repeat performance for us with Iran and Syria?

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