News :: Asia
Pankaj Mishra makes his living by writing lies
09 Aug 2005
Pankaj Mishra makes his living by spreading lies against HINDUS
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News :: Asia
Congress party of India is responsible for 2500 riots
Congress party of India is responsible for 2500 riots , during 1950-90 . SHAME SHAME SHAME . Rajive Gandhi is a mass murderer , responsible for killing of 300 innocent sikhs ... READ NANAVATHI COMMISSION REPORT
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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Crime & Police
Preliminary Report From Surveillance Camera Bike/Walking Tour #1
09 Aug 2005

Here's a bit of our initial findings regarding police surveillance in the city. This is a purely technical and photographic synopsis, we will be trying to get some of the video material we shot talking to people about the cameras up soon. We're also hoping to do some sort of google-map overview of the locations we plotted so far.
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News :: Class
Who has the elite allied themselves with ?
09 Aug 2005
What group was ultimately responsible for the deaths of Americans in the 911 attack? What group was responsible for a coup de etat that occurred with the Kennedy assassination? Why has it been so difficult to resolve the issues of 911?
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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism : Globalization : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq Up and Running! Come here for housing, rides, events calendars, and more!
09 Aug 2005
septemberACTION Collective
Come to for the most updated information and resources for the September 23-26 anti-war, global justice, anti-torture people-powered driven mobilization. Here you can find
ride boards, housing boards, resource boards, events calendars, articles, links to legal and medical information, and more!
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The Crisis of the Media and the Fifth Estate
09 Aug 2005
Ignacio Ramonet
"In many countries, the media long regarded as a characteristic element of democracy have become the main problem for democracy.. The quality of democracy depends on the quality of democratic debate.."
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News :: Miscellaneous
News Junkie Scott's Blog (8/9/05)
Pentagon devising scenarios for martial law in US.
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Zionised american Terrorism
Naturally the UN
Secretary General, President of the Amnesty International etc. etc.
identified the invasion as an act of TERRORISM like millions of
authorities around the world.
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Spy v. Spy: Bob Novak, the CIA's MOCKINGBIRD program & the Plame/Wilson Scandal
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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police
August 10 Maryland Prison System Panel Discussion

A panel discussion on the Maryland Prison System will be held on August 10, 2005 at the All People's Congress.
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