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Congress party of India is responsible for 2500 riots

Congress party of India is responsible for 2500 riots , during 1950-90 . SHAME SHAME SHAME . Rajive Gandhi is a mass murderer , responsible for killing of 300 innocent sikhs ... READ NANAVATHI COMMISSION REPORT

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Riots In India : Blame all
Congress Leaders from Nehru to Sonia Gandhi
We urge all
Indians not to fall in trap of so called Peace groups in USA who are protesting
against Narendra Modi and BJP leaders . Please know the facts about Riots in
India before listening to Hindu Haters
The country has witnessed 2500 riots between
1950 and 1990. Godhra city had communal riots in 1947, 52, 59, 61, 65, 67, 72,
74, 80, 83, 89 and 90 . In
March and April 1950 there were 468 cases of rioting. In 1952 there were 23
cases. In 1953 there were eight. In 1954 there were 14 cases  and in 1955,
in UP alone there were eleven cases.  The next year the  U.P.
government registered twenty six riots in places like Aligarh,  Bulundshahr 
Jallon, Allahabad (home of Jawaharlal Nehru), Bijnore,  Azamgarh, Agra,
Etawah, Bareilly, Piliphit, Rampur, Gonda and Lucknow.

The list of riots is endless. All manner of reasons have been adduced  for
the communal riots. Once, it  was claimed, a book called `Religious 
Leaders' contained disparaging remarks about the Prophet. On  another 
occasion the cause was a love affair between a Hindu girl and a Muslim 
boy. Other reasons  mention the slaughter of a cow, the publication of 
a picture of the Prophet, a dispute over a  business transaction, 
attack on a Ganapathi procession by Muslims, playing of music in front  of
a  mosque, criminal assault by two Muslim youths on a Hindu girl, a 
scuffle between two wrestlers  belonging to two different communities, 
a tirade against Hindus by a Muslim organisation and so on.

In 1946, the Muslim League gave a call for direct action. Thousands of people
were killed in a reaction to Noakhali, Bihar. Mahama Gandhi visited both, his
secretary Pyarelal has narrated it all. Pyarelal has mentioned that there were
riots in 750 villages and that 5,300 people—Muslims—were killed. around 3
lakh were refugees. Jawaharlal Nehru was Prime Minister. When Mahatma Gandhi
visited one town, the Muslims complained that all Congressis were there to burn
our houses and kill our relatives. There was a prarthna sabha in the evening (at
which) Mahatma Gandhi asked about this allegation and asked what they (the
Congress) had to say. Pyarelal likhtey hain ki sabhi ney apni aankhen jhuka lin
because each and every Congressman was involved. Would you say Jawaharlal Nehru
as the head of the interim government was responsible for this massacre? I would
say no. When a Congressi was participating in this riot he was not a Congressi,
he was reacting to Noakhali, good or bad is a different thing. More recently, in
1969 there was a riot in Ahmedabad, 700 were killed, Hitendra Desai was chief
minister, Indira Gandhi was prime minister, did anyone blame them?

The whole business of blaming Hindu organizations and political parties has
little to do with the actual responsibility. While this dirty and futile game
may be forgiven to politicians, it is unacceptable from newsman and independent
intellectuals. The automatical blaming of the Hindutva organization that has
lost its credibility in India

In the case of the ’69 GOADHRA riots, Indira Gandhi and Hitendra Desai were
not blamed, why is Narendra Modi blamed? Because Pseudo Secular forces CONGRESS,
COMMUNISTS , ISLAMIC ORGS have decided that BJP has no right to rule in Bharat,
because secular  mindset is absolutely anti-BJP, anti-Hindu.

In Sambhal (Moradabad, U.P.) all those killed were Hindus, and yet the BJP was
being blamed.  Ex- chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, Chenna Reddy, and
Andhra opposition leader N.T. Rama Rao had said that the BJP had had no role in
the Hyderabad riots. That M.J. Akbar, Ex-spokesman of the Congress fact-finding
team (some called it a fault-finding team), kept on blaming the BJP, only added
to the widespread suspicion that a Congress faction had fomented the riots in
order to make Chenna Reddy step down and make room for a Chief Minister more
agreeable to the party leadership. The same explanation has also been given for
the October riots in Karnataka, which had equally forced a Congress Chief
Minister to step down. 

These people have to know that what is going on in Kashmir is going on also in
North Bihar, Assam, Bengal, the western part of UP.

First, the Hindu reaction may not have been so severe if the Leftist media and
the parties like the Congress had immediately condemned the burning of the
Sabarmati Express and expressed sympathy with the innocent victims. Instead,
they went out of their way to blame the victims (mostly women and children
returning from Ayodhya) and Ayodhya, almost justifying the crime. This is what
enraged the Hindus.

Another reason: the rioting took place in many tribal and rural areas which had
suffered from Muslim atrocities in the past. For example, it was the practice in
tribal areas for Muslim landlords and contractors to abduct tribal girls. They
now took advantage of the situation after Godhra to retaliate against their
tormentors.  So, unlike in former riots which were mainly an urban
phenomenon, the Gujarat riots were widespread in rural and tribal areas also.
This is one of the reasons why the police had so much difficulty controlling it.

Secularists should accept that culturally , we are the same. Islam is not a
culture, it’s a religion in which so many cultures are there. The culture of
an Arabian Muslim, Afghan Muslim, Indonesian Muslim and Indian Muslim is not the
same though they may have the same religion. The culture of Hindus and Muslims
of Bharat is the same, if we are socially and culturally the same, the conflict
is resolved.

This 'secularist' viewpoint was best
exemplified by the comment Teesta Setalvad made to The Washington Post of
February 28. She said, 'Let us not forget the provocation. These people were not
going for a benign assembly. They were indulging in blatant and unlawful
mobilisation to build a temple and deliberately provoke the Muslims in India.'
Setalvad must be perverse to label karsevaks returning from Ayodhya as those
'indulging in blatant and unlawful mobilisation'. But that is all one has come
to expect from the likes of such women and men.
Ashok Chowgule, president of the Vishwa Hindu
Parishad, Maharashtra region, counters in an email statement that 'if this
provocation argument has to be accepted, then we have to accept that the
terrorist attacks of September 11 on the USA was entirely justified because the
terrorists have said that they have been provoked by the policy of the USA'. Do
you buy that, Ms Setalvad?
1. Will the
"secularists" explain what was the provocation for the Moplah riots in
1920 during the height of the Khilafat and the Non- Cooperation Movements?

2. What was the provocation for the Great Calcutta Killings of 1946?

3. What was the provocation for Noakhali or Multan?

4.What were the provocations for 9/11 or Bali bombings?

These questions have to be by hearted by all and have to bomb all self
proclaimed certificate carrying "seculars" who look the other way when
Muslims indulge in acts of terrorism , violence . may be out of LOVE or FEAR ..

Distortion of Facts by Media, including 
noted Pankaj Mishra (*)
Reporting of numbers by Pseudo Seculars in
MEDIA is concerned the favourite number of Muslims killed in riots seems to be
2000 .  The truth has to be hidden because it would demolish the agenda
which is the basis of writings. Look any report that number will be "more
than 2,000 Muslims were killed"  
Let's us take a look at the article
"India's Muslim Time Bomb" written by Pankaj Mishra(*)  , dated
September 15, 2003  , where he 
quoted 2000 as his
favorite Number for riots . 
In the nationwide violence that followed the
demolition of the mosque a decade ago, almost 2,000
people, mostly Muslims, died in Bombay alone ..
In 1998, an inquiry identified some Hindu
police officers and politicians responsible for the killings; not one has been
tried or convicted.  Observing the 10th anniversary of the killings last
year,  Amnesty International noted that "even when those responsible
are  identified, they are allowed to go unpunished."

And early last year, more than 2,000 Muslims were
killed in the  western Indian state of Gujarat in a series of attacks by
mobs that  Human Rights Watch has said were organized and
protected by Gujarat's  Hindu nationalist rulers.
(*) Pankaj Mishra 
the author of The Romantics, winner of the Los Angeles Times's Art
Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction, and a frequent contributor to The New
York Review of Books, Granta, and the Times Literary Supplement. 
A Fellow at the Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers at
the New York Public Library. His new book is An End to
Suffering: The Buddha in the World 
Let us do some math using reports published 
The total
killed for Gujarat is around :  900

Hindus                                        :

Killed in
Police Firing               :

Killed in
: 170

Muslims                                     :
Killed in
Police Firing              :

Killed in
: 555

The total killed for Gujarat is
around 900.  Out of this the Hindus were 250, which includes the 58 killed
in Godhra.  The police killed 80 Hindus, out of which 60 were in the first
month when the Hindus reacted to Godhra, and 20 in the second month.  Hindu
victims of rioting were 170.

The total Muslims killed were around 650.  Those killed in police firing
were 95, out of which 55 were in the second month, when the Muslims were on the
offensive once again.  Thus, Muslims killed in riots were 555.

Now let us look at the figures for Mumbai riots .  This is what the we 
had tabulated based on the Shrikrishna Commission report. The total
killed in the two months of Dec 92 and Jan 93 are 801.  Out of this Hindus
are 243.  The police killed 101 Hindus, 31 in Dec and 70 in Jan.  In
rioting, 38 Hindus were killed in Dec, and 104 in Jan.

Out of the 558 Muslims killed, 229 were by police.  In Dec, in three days
(7,8,9), the number killed were 146.  And 83 in Jan.  In rioting, the
number of Muslims killed were 43 in Dec and 286 in Jan.

An utter disgrace on his
part (Pankaj Mishra) to mislead the readers and spreading hate with his semi
truth articles . These so called Seculars hate anything that is Hindu , though
they carry Hindu Names  . Their livelihood is telling lies , writing lies
just as Arundathi Roy  . Fact is all these writers , intellectuals , self
proclaimed seculars are Hindu haters  . They don't apply same sense and
logic to Islamic community , Congress and other seculars for reasons of fierce
retaliation from them . This is the character and definition of our Seculars . 
Now let us compare
some items between Sikh Riots (Rajive
Gandhi was PM ) and Post
Goadhra Riots  (Narendra Modi
was CM)



Sikh Riots

Goadhra Riots



Gandhi was shot by just one Sikh bodyguard.

coaches were set on fire by a huge crowd of Muslims ,killing 58 Hindu
women and children


of the Army sought

72 Hours

24 Hr


in Riots

people were killed

1,000 deaths , included Hindus and Muslims




both Hindu and Muslims


<;;font face="Verdana"
size="2">What Leaders Comment

Rajive Gandhi  said “When
a big tree falls the earth is bound to shake”. He never denied saying

and reaction are equal” , English media quoted , though CM Narender
Modi  himself never used


Media Role

played down

played Up



, Silence on whole issue

viewpoint was best exemplified by the comment Teesta Setalvad made to
The Washington Post of February 28. She said, 'Let us not forget the
provocation. These people were not going for a benign assembly. They
were indulging in blatant and unlawful mobilisation to build a temple
and deliberately provoke the Muslims in India.' Setalvad must be
perverse to label karsevaks returning from Ayodhya as those 'indulging
in blatant and unlawful mobilisation'. But that is all one has come to
expect from the likes of such women and men.


of Riots 

over India

one state Gujarat



, all are acquitted including Former Ministers who lead attackers 

Trials are going 

Gujarat Riots
would have taken place even if Congress Government was in power at that time ,
if Goadhra had not happened Gujarat would have not taken place . It is 
blood is gruesome. Is it all right to kill 3,000 Sikhs for the fault of one
guard who killed a Prime Minister, in a spirit of revenge, but it is all wrong
for people to get incensed at the thought of 58 women and children killed in the
most gruesome way?


hoot and scoot, tell lies and run away

Tuesday June 29 2004

S Gurumurthy

Now the truth is out sooner than the `seculars' had thought. Even the media has
confirmed that Irshat Jahan was part of the terror module of Lashkar-e-Toiba.

It has indicated that Irshat and Javed moved together in furtherance of their
terror design. It now affirms that Irshat's mother was covering up as any mother
would to protect her child. Earlier it was the media that was imploring the
people to believe her. It also affirms that the two others killed in the
shooting were indeed Pakistanis.

The media had earlier asked why would the Pak terrorists wear their identity on
their body, implying that the Modi police was just lying. The `secular' media
also confirms now that the four, including Irshat Jahan were targeting different
Hindu leaders _ Vinay Katiyar, Togadia, Advani and Modi _ all identified by
codes mentioned in Irshat's diary. Her diary entries tallied with Javed's on the
codes. The seculars do admit that Irshat and the other three were on a terror
mission, but with a rider _ without a specific target.

But most people even now believe as truth the lies the `secular' media had
massified earlier. Innumerable editorials, opinions, and comments were written
by the seculars based on the falsehood as the truth. Debates were held on TV
trusting the fake as fact. For instance many people fed on the lies today
believe as truth the version of Irshat's mother about her daughter, not Irshat's
diary on her terror plans. After the truth was revealed contrary to the lies
they purveyed the `secular' media has run away. They even remotely never felt
guilty about the damage they have caused to the nation and to the Hindus. Is it
just a genuine, isolated error? No.

This is their behaviour, their character. Not isolated error just. See their
record to know their character. Does `Jhabua' ring a bell? Immediately after the
BJP-led government came to power in 1998 at the Centre, this was a great lie the
`secular' media massified on a scale unprecedented. ``At Jhabua, four Christian
nuns were raped by 24 Hindu goons' (read the Sangh Parivar) the `secular' media
kept on repeating for months on end till the whole world was convinced about it.
But even as it massified this lie the secular media knew that half of those 24
criminals were Christians, so it was no Hindu rape of Christian nuns. This was
later established by `secular' MP Government's investigation and chargesheet.
The `secular' media ran away after telling such a massive lie, when the truth
was revealed.

`Jhabua repeated in Jhajjar' screamed another respected `secular' daily charging
that in Jhajjar in Haryana a Christian nun was molested. This was proved false
in two days. But here again, after the truth surfaced the `secular' newspaper
ran away. `Nun raped in moving car in Orissa' screamed all newspapers and TV
channels. The Wadhwa Commission which went into Staines murder case found this
report concocted by the nun herself. Here too the `secular' media ran away after
Wadhwa found out the truth. By these massive lies not just the average Indian,
but the whole western world began believing that Hindus in India habitually rape
the Christian nuns. Move on. `Two Christians killed and one injured' shouted all
newspapers and channels.

Justice Wadhwa found that the killings were the result of family feud and the
killer was also a Christian. Here also the `secular' media ran away after Wadhwa
revealed the truth. Further. `Hindu fundamentalists are burning down churches in
Andhra and Karnataka', screamed the `secular' media. Investigations by `secular'
governments in the two States later established something entirely different.

That Anjuman-e-Islam, an Islamic fundamentalist organisation linked to SIMI, had
carried out those acts to create trouble between Hindus and Christians. Again
the `secular' media ran away after this was revealed. Just illustrations, these
do not exhaust the lies. See the damage caused to the image of the Hindus and to

Tell lies, as massively as they can, and then after the truth is revealed, run
away, so that the lies masquerade as truth and serve the 'secular' cause. This
is `secular' hoot and scoot. Why do they not regret telling lies after they come
to know the truth? That does not, but lies, serve the cause of secularism. That
is why.

Writer's email:

Perverse secularism
and India's future

BY M.V.Kamath

No subject is dearer to the secular heart in India than what it is  pleased
to call "Moditva" or "jihadi Hindutva". The  secularist
makes  no honest attempt to understand Hindutva, since that would mean
making  an effort to trace the origins  of Hindu-Muslim tensions down
the  decades if not centuries. It is easier to give the Hindutva dog a bad 
name. To hand it  Hindutva did not begin with Modi or for that matter 
with the RSS.

Anybody with the slightest sense of history will go back centuries to 
appreciate both the Muslim and the Hindu psyches.  It is difficult to 
pinpoint when Hindu self-assertion began to show up. In his book on 
Hindutva, Jyothirmaya Sharma  mentions Maharashi Dayananda Saraswati, 
Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo and Vinayak Damodar Savarkar as the  four 
main thinkers who sought to marshall a Hindu identity in the  service of
Indian nationalism.

In her book `Indian Cultural Nationalism', Purnima Singh name Bal 
Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal and Lala Rajpat Rai on  one hand and 
Sri Aurobindo, Rabindranath Tagore and Bankim Chandra Chatterjee on  the
other as the harbingers of  cultural nationalism. These are revered 
names but no one associates them with extremism. And yet all of them  stood
up  for the Hindu resurgence with marked determination. Why did  they
do so? To put it more bluntly what is the root cause of  Hindu  anger?
And how come that even after India was trifurcated at the time   of
Independence there has been no peace in the country? 

What was the strength of the Hindu population in what then was West 
Pakistan prior to 1947 and what is it now? And  what was the strength 
of the Hindu population in what then was East Pakistan and what is it  now?
To this day the Hindu  population in Bangladesh lives in terror,  even
after it has been reduced to less than half of the  pre-Independence 
times. It the fifty years since independence there  have been riot after
riot in India. How come this tendency has not  even been contained, let
alone stopped? And in those first fifty years  the party in sole power in
Delhi was the Congress.  What did it do to  reconcile Hindus to
Muslims? A study of riots in India conducted by a  former senior
Intelligence Bureau officer makes significant reading. 

In March and April 1950 there were 468 cases of rioting. In 1952 there 
were 23 cases. In 1953 there were eight. In 1954  there were 14 cases 
and in 1955, in UP alone there were eleven cases. The next year the  U.P.
government registered  twenty six riots in places like Aligarh, 
Bulundshahr Jallon, Allahabad (home of Jawaharlal Nehru), Bijnore, 
Azamgarh, Agra,  Etawah, Bareilly, Piliphit, Rampur, Gonda and Lucknow.

The list of riots is endless. All manner of reasons have been adduced  for
the communal riots. Once, it was claimed, a book  called `Religious 
Leaders' contained disparaging remarks about the Prophet. On another 
occasion the cause was alove affair between a Hindu girl and a Muslim  boy.
Other reasons mention the slaughter of a cow, the publication of  a 
picture of the Prophet, a dispute over a business transaction,  attack on a
Ganapathi procession by Muslims, playing of  music in front  of a
mosque, criminal assault by two Muslim youths on a Hindu girl, a  scuffle
between two wrestlers  belonging to two different communities,  a
tirade against Hindus by a Muslim organisation and so on.

Riots have been taking place at the slightest provocation and  sometimes
with no provocation at all. In Kaira, Gujarat,  whose Muslim 
population is hardly 9 per cent, riots broke out in 1979 because 
loudspeakers were used for azans (Muslim  call for prayer) and because 
a mosque and a muzafir khana were constructed on an unauthorised piece  of

Most of the reasons can be said to be trivial, but riots break out not 
because of the reason stated but because of  something deeply embedded 
in the psyche of the Hindu. This calls for probing. In 1989 mafia  gangs
had taken over Bihar  state and they enjoyed political patronage. 
Riots started in Bhagalpur on 24 October and did not totally subside  even
by  the next fortnight. Why? Tatarpur locality of Bhagalpur town  was
the centre of communal activities.

The Muslims who dominated the area would not let a Hindu procession to 
pass through it, even though the main road  passed right through the 
area. What all the riots suggest is failure of the two communities to  get
emotionally integrated.   And if one wants to prevent riots one must
address oneself to this fundamental question: what is it that  prevents 
this integration? What are the wounds in the psyches of both  communities
that have remained unhealed? No  party so far has addressed  itself to
this question in a serious manner. There may be an  occasional meeting
between a  Shankaracharya and a Muslim cleric  accompanied by a lot of
fanfare but there the matter ends. 

The angers are temporarily covered with ashes but the embers remain  alive.
There would have been no riots in Gujarat in  2002 if there was  no
Godhra. But our secular press skips over the Godhra episode during  which
58 Hindu women and  children were roasted alive in the most  barbarous
manner and concentrates on what followed. It merely serves  to 
infuriate even apolitical Hindus further. It may be Hindu  high-mindedness
to forget Godhra and to concentrate on Best  Bakery but it doesn't help to
resolve tensions.

On the contrary the manner in which Narendra Modi is demonised worsens  the
situation. Consider again the attempt by  secular forces to give a wholly
partisan colour to the recent killing of four alleged terrorists in an encounter
with the  Gujarat police. It was suggested in secularist quarter that the
killings were masterminded by a diabolic Modi in order to  stave off the
threat of his removal as chief minister of Gujarat. Not one paper has given
thought to what would have  happened and what may still happen if Modi had
been killed by  terrorists. Does anyone remember what happened when 
Indira Gandhi was  assassinated by her two Sikh bodyguards?

As many as 2,733 Sikhs were killed in the riots that followed. And a 
similar killing can yet come to pass should Modi be  killed. It is in 
the interests of the country Modi is protected if for no other reason  than
that it could lead to riots beating all previous records. By  constantly
sniping at Modi as the root of all evil the secularists are  giving
indirect encouragement  to Muslim terrorists to attempt murder.  Even
worse, secularists are dividing the Hindu community right  down  the

There would have been ghastly riots in Gujarat even if there was no  Modi
as Chief Minister. Modi was not the Chief  Minister in 1969. The 
Chief Minister of Gujarat then as Hitendra Desai, a Congressman. Why 
hasn't Hitendra Desai been  demonised? In his book `Ethnic Conflict and 
Civil Life: Hindus and Muslims in India', Ashutosh Varshney writes: 
"When the  riots broke out in September 1969 Congressmen were nowhere 
to be seen. (They were nowhere to be seen in 2002  either). Neither the 
leaders nor the cadres were active in containing communal violence."

Another writer, Nagindas Sanghavi noted that the riots left behind "a 
toll of 1,500 victims and strained the social fabric as  also the 
administrative machinery to almost breaking point"0. Significantly, 
the Jagmohan Reddy Enquiry Commission  absolved the the Jan Sangh and 
the RSS from charges of participation in the riots. Our secular press  has
a way of  forgetting what is convenient to it. According to N. S. 
Saxena and S. K. Ghosh, 600 persons were killed of whom 80%  happened 
to be Muslims while over 30,000 Muslims became refugees. Nearly ten 
districts were affected of which the maximum number of incidents  recorded
were from Baroda (138), Araira (100) and Mehsana (65).

What ism did Hitendra Desai practise? Was it Congress-ism? The
saddest  part of it all is that the September 7, 1969 riots  in Baroda
took  place when a huge procession of 10,000 Muslims protested against the 
desecration of the Al Aqsa mosque  in, of all places, Jerusalem!
This  had nothing to do with Hindus in India and yet the processionists 
raised slogans  saying: Joh humse takrayega woh mitti mein mil jayega 
(whoever comes in conflict with us will be reduced to  ashes). 

At some point in time our leaders political, spiritual and, yes,  secular
must put their heads together to hammer out a way  whereby  Hindus and
Muslims can live together in peace, without taking recourse  to violence.
Making Narendra Modi a  scapegoat may be a convenient way  of ducking
responsibilities but that doesn't prevent future rioting.  

Narendra Modi was not responsible for the torching of two railway  coaches
at Godhra. Then why should he be held  responsible for what  followed?
Has Hitendra Desai been charged with fomenting riots in  1969? Why not? For
that matter  was Rajiv Gandhi ever charged with  fomenting riots in
Delhi after his mother was assassinated? More Sikhs  were killed in those
riots than were killed in Gujarat.

The holier-than-thou attitude of the secular press and of the Congress 
Party vis-a-vis Modi and the BJP (or the RSS)  hasn't helped. It never 
will. It has only so far served to divide the nation. The secularists  must
be warned of the damage  they are doing to the essential unity of  the

Perverse secularism has been the bane of India in the last five  decades.
In his foreword to R. N. P. Singh's book on `Islam  and  Religious
Riots, K. P. Gill states bluntly: "Much of the `secular'  discourse in
India has been based on a  `politically correct' refusal  to confront
the nature of religious communities and institutions, and  their past and
present  activities, and on the fiction that `all  religions are
equal'... but it cannot even begin to address the  sources of historical 
conflagrations. The truth is, unless communities  acknowledge reality warts
and all and recognise the transgressions of  their own history within a
constructive context, no real solution to  the issues of communal
polarisation and violence in  India can be  brought about''. That
said, all is said. 

There has been too much pandering to minority communalism than is good  for
the minority itself. The time has come for  the entire country to 
examine the communal issue freely, frankly, constructively and without 
bias. Mud-slinging at Modi  has to stop. In recent times there has been 
too much of it for our own good, even though Modi himself couldn't  care

[1] Initiation

Sikh Riots : Indira Gandhi was shot by just one Sikh bodyguard.

Goadhra Riots : Railway coaches were set on fire by a huge crowd of Muslims
,killing 58 Hindu women and children
[2] Help of the Army sought

Sikh Riots : After 72 Hours

Goadhra Riots :Within 24 Hr
[3] Killed in Riots

Sikh Riots : 2,733 people were killed

Goadhra Riots : Approximately 1,000 deaths , included Hindus and Muslims
[4] Police Action

Sikh Riots :  None
Goadhra Riots : Shot both Hindu and Muslims
[5] What Leaders Comment

Sikh Riots : PM Rajive Gandhi said “When a big tree falls the earth is bound
to shake”. He never denied saying it

Goadhra Riots : “Action and reaction are equal” , English media quoted
, though CM Narender Modi himself never used them 
[6] English Media Role

Sikh Riots : Deliberately played down

Goadhra Riots : Deliberately played Up
[7] Seculars Comment

Sikh Riots : Nope

Goadhra Riots : 'Secularist' viewpoint was best exemplified by the comment
Teesta Setalvad made to The Washington Post of February 28. She said, 'Let us
not forget the provocation. These people were not going for a benign assembly.
They were indulging in blatant and unlawful mobilisation to build a temple and
deliberately provoke the Muslims in India.' Setalvad must be perverse to label
karsevaks returning from Ayodhya as those 'indulging in blatant and unlawful
mobilisation'. But that is all one has come to expect from the likes of such
women and men.
RELATED TO ISSUES : Read this interesting conversation 
Kalavai Venkat and Mallika Sarabhai 
The account attached below was posted in
IndianCivilization.   Mallika Sarabhai (relative of our distinguished
moderator  (RS),  if I correctly recall:-)) has been raising a stink  
across the US about how the Hindus are evil whereas  the Muslims  are
the peace-loving salt of this earth.  I propose that she and Arundhati Roy
get married and  live happily ever after. 

In other news - both Dubya and Kerry have openly  declared their religious
credentials during the  course of this  Presidential campaign. 
Per the  yardstick established by our desi Leftists and  Pinkos, both
Bush and Kerry are severely  "communal."  'Indians for
Collective this and that' ought to  be concerned and begin organizing
rallies all across  the USA to  rid US democracy from the virus of 
communalization.  Where are those great secularists  Kanwal Rekhi,
Vijay Parshad,  Biju Mathews etc when you need them?

Warm regards,


From:  "Kalavai Venkat" <history_judge@y...>
Date:  Sun Oct 10, 2004  3:51 pm
Subject:  Mallika Sarabhai at Stanford

Dancer and noted p-sec activist Mallika Sarabhai spoke at Stanford  today.
Predictably, the topic of the discussion was  "Communal Harmony 
and the Role of Civil Society – A Personal Experience". As one can 
expect, she came up with a lot of  anecdotal references to paint the 
Hindutva and the common people of Gujarat as terrible. She claimed  that
grade VI  schoolbook in Gujarat portrays Hitler as the great  European
hero (KV: "Can somebody at IC clarify this?"). Then the Q&A 
session was thrown open to the audience. A sample of questions asked: 

KV: "Mallika, thanks for talking to us this afternoon. You have been 
campaigning for the last 2 ½ years for the nearly  1,000 minority 
victims of the reactionary riots in Gujarat. You also pointed out  that you
have been called a "Hindu-hater"  and "Muslim-lover" by
the  right wing. (She nods vigorously thinking I am on her side!)

In 1984, the Congress party massacred 3,000 Sikhs. Rajiv Gandhi, the  PM
designate, non-chalantly declared, "When a  banyan tree falls, the 
earth quakes." The perpetrators of the crime have not been brought to 
justice. Most victims and  their families have not seen justice. Yet, 
I have not seen you fight for the Sikh victims.

In the Muslim majority Kashmir, 4,00,000 minority Hindus have been  ethnic
cleansed. I have not seen you campaign for  them or against the 
jihadis who massacred and evicted them.

I have not seen you campaign for the thousands of minority Hindus, 
Buddhists and tribal those are being ethnic cleansed  in Bangladesh by 
the Islamic fundamentalists and who are in India in refugee camps.   
May I know what motivates you to  select the battles only if the 
victims are Muslims?"

MS: "I was a child when 1984 happened."

KV: "I said the Sikhs have not yet received justice. Kashmiri Hindus are
still in refugee camp, and you are not a child now."

MS: "Uh, well…I know I can't fight every battle. But, mmmm… I have 
worked with Hindu tribals. I have even worked with Rwandans."

KV: "Anyone so long as they are not Hindus, right? Why not the 
4,00,000 Kashmiri Hindus?"

MS: "Well, you know a Kashmiri sent me a mail saying that I have been 
great to them."

KV: "Like the Rothschilds who thanked with the Vatican? So, you have 
nothing to show that you worked for the Hindus?"

At this point I was disallowed from asking any other question, but  the
organizers were at pain to explain this away till the end.

Another girl asked this question: "Mallika, what do you think 
prompted the peace-loving Gujarati Hindus to react violently?  Do you 
agree that the Godhra provoked them?"

MS: "Well, I don't agree that the Hindus are peaceful. This cold 
hatred for the Muslims is there in the minds of the Gujarati  Hindus 
and has been there for long. The riots were waiting to happen. The  Muslims
are considered another  species."

Another person asked: "If the Gujarati Hindus nurtured hatred for the 
Muslims, how come there was no violence against  them though the BJP 
ruled since 1995? Remember, if there had not been a Godhra, there  wouldn't
have been a Gujarat  reactionary violence." 

MS: "Well, those 2,000 Muslims that attacked the train must be 
punished. Not the rest. And the forensic reports have a  different 
story to tell about the train fire." (does this answer??) 

The person who asked the question retorts but he is disallowed. The  rest
of the questions were just eulogy. Finally, the  sponsor spoke.  One
Rajagopal declared, "Everyone thinks that Muslims started suicide 
bombing. I am a Tamil, and let me  tell you that was first was started 
by the Tamil Hindu LTTE."   

KV interjects, "Rajagopal, ever heard of the Kamikaze pilots of Japan 
during the WWII? You don't know your facts." 

Someone had circulated pamphlets drawing attention to the fact that  the
founder of ASHA, Sandeep Pandey supports  CPI-ML, which in turn  calls
for armed aggression. The pamphlets also drew attention to the  fact that
Khalim Kawaja of  IMC is a known Taliban sympathizer, who  has
authored the article, "Brother, please spare a tear for the 
Taliban". ASHA  and IMC co-sponsored the speech. 



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