Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


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LOCAL Commentary :: Activism

Baltimore Shows its Solidarity with Cindy Sheehan!

A rally in solidarity with Cindy Sheehan’s Crawford, Texas’s “Vigil” was held in Baltimore, MD, on August 17, 2005. Sharon Ceci of the “All Peoples Congress,” said, “Sheehan has touched a nerve with people across the country.” Renee Washington told me her daughter is in the US Army, and she prays that she doesn’t go to Iraq. “I didn’t raise her to kill anyone,” she said. Activist Virginia Rodino stated, “The Iraqi War was based on a pack of lies!”

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Commentary :: Children

The Whole Bakery!

"Rebuilding the social state is imperative.. Leftist feminists never wanted half of the mouldy cake but sought to change the bakery completely.. An alliance against education- and social cuts is vital.."

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Commentary :: Miscellaneous

BTL:Christian Right Campaigns for Radical Reform of U.S. Judicial System

Interview with Frederick Clarkson, journalist and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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News :: Media

News Junkie Scott's Blog (8/18/05)

Out of Gaza - and into Jerusalem.

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Commentary :: Media

David Broncoccio and Now - Sellouts or Brain Dead

In the first five minutes of his show about Enron, he mentioned the BILLIONS (38 to be close) that Enron stole from California alone. Ten minutes later he referred to Enron as the "Bankrupt Energy Giant".

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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Middle East : Peace : Protest Activity : War in Iraq

McKeldin Square Vigil to Support Cindy Sheehan, or, Free Speech On the Run in Baltimore

Quick summary of the Inner Harbor Vigil to Support Cindy Sheehan, and notes on renewed questions of free speech in downtown Baltimore

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News :: Activism

URGENT UPDATE: Prison Bureau Moves Leonard Peltier Twice in Six Weeks

Prison Bureau harasses Peltier with two prison transfers and solitary confinement. Your letters, faxes, phone calls requested and urgently needed to protect his health and well being.

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Commentary :: Economy

Economics on a Human Scale

"The present economic orders are in great disorder. A few women and men have the goal of leaping over all the rules of the past economic order and only acting arbitrarily. They misuse their property and illegitimately appropriate the property of others.."

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News :: Miscellaneous

News Junkie Scott's Blog (8/17/2005)

Millions of Americans get by on Social Security alone.

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Announcement :: Economy

Announcement "Anticompetitivist Ideology"

Is born the first great ideology of the millenium!
Is born the anticompetitivist ideology of the "full effective and obligatory occupation (of all the families) for law", of the successive and innovative historical phase regarding the Socialism, of the anticycling of the economy, ("the second phase" of the democracy, that one "material") and of the peace.

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