Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC


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News :: Animal Rights

bush facial lesions finally clarified

or how bushy got shit on his chin looking for love in all the wrongs places....

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LOCAL News :: Globalization

Open Letter To Andree Graziana

Uncovering what homelessness
and poverty really is.

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LOCAL News :: War in Iraq


10/18/05 DAWN: The DC Anti-War Network has put out a call for decentralized actions marking the third anniversary of the war-occupation in March 2006.

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Commentary :: Economy

America's Middle Class: In the Tank!

Just about everyday, the news is bad! The economy is going to hell, the Iraqi War continues unabated and the energy crisis is shifting into high gear. One direct result: The Middle Class is disappearing. No Middle Class, no democracy! And yet, our people seem to be sleepwalking through it all. Maybe, Carl Jung was right when he said, “The people can’t stand too much reality.”

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Commentary :: Globalization

GATS as a Political Project

The goal of GATS is promoting worldwide liberalization in trade and investments in the service sector.. Call 1-800-828-0498 and urge your senators to reject any budget reconciliation that includes Medicade cuts.

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News :: Media

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/19/2005)

Asia's poor build US bases in Iraq.

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Announcement :: Activism : Globalization : International Relations : Latin America : Protest Activity

Alternative Social Forum - Caracas, January 2006

* From Venezuela we extend an invitation to an international event of and for social movements in the struggle, as a more valid option to the bureaucratic spectacle the World Social Forum has become.

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Commentary :: Peace

In the Commission of History or God

Bush compares Islamic extremists literally with communism..Bush maintains his ideology that the origin of terrorism has nothing to do with the policy of the US..What is central isn't US or western values but the final victory against the "enemies of humanity".

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News :: Media

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/18/05)

Credit card payments to rise.

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News :: Baltimore MD

Bill Bonner :Agora Inc,Baltimore has aided penny stock fraud

Agora,Inc's James Dale Davidson and pals promoted a penny stock scam in 2002-2003 they called 'NAANSS',(do a google search), and I believe he is behind a similar scam that's supposed to be 'anti-naked short selling' but is
really a scam to distract from insider stock manipulations,illegal pump and dump ops and possibly money laundering.I believe the
website,run by an alias 'Bob O'Brien' and Patrick Byrne,is Davidson connected.
See their fraudulent $100,000 + NCANS ad-letter to W Bush in the Wshington Post of February 8.

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