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Bill Bonner :Agora Inc,Baltimore has aided penny stock fraud

Agora,Inc's James Dale Davidson and pals promoted a penny stock scam in 2002-2003 they called 'NAANSS',(do a google search), and I believe he is behind a similar scam that's supposed to be 'anti-naked short selling' but is
really a scam to distract from insider stock manipulations,illegal pump and dump ops and possibly money laundering.I believe the
website,run by an alias 'Bob O'Brien' and Patrick Byrne,is Davidson connected.
See their fraudulent $100,000 + NCANS ad-letter to W Bush in the Wshington Post of February 8.
Dear Mr.Bill Bonner and Agora,Inc.,
Just who is the founder of Agora Inc.,you or James Dale Davidson ? I ask because Mr.Davidson defrauded me and many others I supspect through a fraudulent scheme of illegal pump and dump of penny stocks he then fraudulently blamed on 'naked shorting' in Agora's 'Vantage Point' and in personal communication with me. Porter Stansberry who still appears be connected with Agora.Inc, aided and abetted in this fraudulent scheme.

And yet it appears he too is still Agora,Inc., connected and still using the false 'naked short' claim to tout questionable,overvalued stocks,of which of Patrick Byrne
comes to mind.Byrne,coincidentally,funds a website suspiciously similar to James Dale Davidson's,'s,old 'NAANSS',website.It is called and stands for 'National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling',and is like the old NAANSS was'National Association Against Naked Short Selling' in its fraudulent claims and modus operendi.

Interesting coincidence, wouldn't you say ?

Although the alias 'Bob O'Brien',who runs the site and will not identify himself,he denies a James Dale Davidson connection and states he never heard of Davidson until I brought him up.
I am certain an expert in plagiarism would conclude that impossible.

Although the word 'Association'has been replaced by 'Coalition' in the aconym,'National'
remains a key term,just like 'National Taxpayers Union'that Davidson also founded coincidentally. And yet the people who are behind it would defraud any American they could scam and claim they were 'naked shorted' all the way to the bank or Caymans or Dubai as the case may be.Just as Agora,Inc's James Dale Davidson did with 'NAANSS'.

And of course the term 'naked shorting' in the title and Davidson's old scam that suckers others to buy 'cetificates'so they cannot easily buy and sell as he dumps and manipulates a stock is also just like his old 'NAANSS' PENNY STOCK PUMP AND DUMP SCAM,WOULDN'T YOU SAY ? Like James Dale Davidson's 'NAANSS','NCANS' IS A FRAUD,PURE AND SIMPLE.

Tony Ryals

For Baltimore residents who may not know about Agora,Inc. in its own backyard and its espousal
of the 'sovereign individual' cult or philosophy of James Dale Davidson and the Lord Rees-Mogg,I
add some links to my writing on indymedia at bottom.

A search of this indymedia site for 'agora' will find a book self-promotion from a Mr.Wiggins who is co-author with Agora Inc.'s Bill Bonner just as Davidson has often co-authored with Lord William Rees-Mogg who has Rupert Murdoch connections.

Agora you might be interested to know helped tout the CIA's penny stock pump and dump of Ionatron(do google search) and Mr.George Tenet was at a New Orleans conference with members of Agora in 2004.Pump and dump or promotion of a stock with intention to sell or 'dump'3 large quantities of shares for personal gain is illegal by the way.

This is what Bill Bonner's Agora did to me by allowing its founder James Dale Davidson to tout
or illegally promote Endovasc of Montgomery, Texas and then dumping from a private Charles Schwab account.Mr.James Dale Davidson specifically lied in Agora's Vantage Point about the source of his shares,claiming he traded a 'nicotine patent' for them,then later in Agora's 'Vantage Point'lied about Charles Schwab 'naked shorting' to cover up the shares he and his criminal cohorts had dumped from Schwab and who knows what other accounts.

Now these people who use Baltimore or Agora that is used as an illegal pump and dump cyberfraud and mail fraud op out of Baltimore,have gone even
further off the ethical deep end and it appears Mr.Davidson of Agora,Inc,or its founder anyway,is
even using Dubai in his scams in this post 911 era !!! Endovasc and perhaps Davidson are also Bellador Group boiler room of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai connected !!

The material below was meant for a New Zealand and British audience but it is certainly applicable to Baltimore and U.S. citizens even more so.

I believe if you read and follow my links you will see James Dale Davidson,founder of Agora, Inc,Baltimore with its global tentacles, the National Taxpayers Union,National Association Against Naked Short Selling,Genemax a penny stock he also did an illegal pump and dump with and then fraudulently claimed was 'naked shorted'
is both a political as well as a securities fraud.I sometimes think Genemax was named for Davidson's far right that the Lord Rees-Mog is associated with.

And you may want to ask the SEC just as I have unendingly,when will they put a stop to it or do they like the use of unaudited U.S.penny stocks for illegal pump and dump activities and possible money laundering by the Beltway's and in many way Maryland's James Dale Davidson ?


Is Lord Rees Mogg connected James Dale Davidson using New Zealand Ireland Great Briton ?

James Dale Davidson,founder of U.S. National Taxpayers Union and organizer of the, 'Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster', political dirty
tricks ops in the U.S.,and also a known penny stock pump and dump con artist in America and offshore,may be using New Zealand as a getaway
from his U.S.and foreign political scams and securities frauds.

James Dale Davidson,founder of U.S. National Taxpayers Union and organizer of the, 'Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster', political dirty
tricks ops in the U.S.,and also a known penny stock pump and dump con artist in America and offshore,may be using New Zealand as a getaway
from his U.S.and foreign political scams and securities frauds.

He is a pal of and co-author of many second
rate and scammy economic and futures predicting books with Sir William Rees-Mogg,ex-Financial Times of London editor,which,of course,has a Rupert Murdoch connection.Davidson also has connections to Richard Mellon-Scaife,Grover Norquist,Steve Forbes and other far right elitists in America.Davidson,like Clinton,is a Rhodes scholar and Oxford graduate.

While Davidson poured his energy into the Clinton killed Vince Foster claim,to destablise U.S.politics,the Lord Rees-Mogg was sniffing
around the Monica Lewinsky 'scandal' hoping to cause some trouble of his own.James Davidson is also founder of,a poor quality far right 'news' source.

Material below,first from a New Zealand organization in 1995 discussing his groups purchase of Wharekauhau Lodge Farm Wairarapa
will provide some background on the man I discuss.

Most of what you find on the other links will be my writing because he ripped me off and I am looking for any information I can get.I have heard Australians and New Zealanders have also been defrauded in international penny stock scams,using U.S.penny stocks to do it.Davidson and pals promoted a penny stock scam in 2002-2003 they called 'NAANSS',(do a google search), and I believe he is behind a similar scam that's supposed to be 'anti-naked short selling' but is
really a scam to distract from insider stock manipulations,illegal pump and dump ops and possibly money laundering.I believe the
website,run by an alias 'Bob O'Brien' and Patrick Byrne,is Davidson connected. Links I provide to my own writing below will hopefully explain.

Because Mr.Davidson did own property mentioned below,any update or information you may provide would be helpful.I fear,due to Davidson's
Washington,D.C. connections,he may never be brought to justice or have to answer for his frauds upon Americans and perhaps others.
Still I wished to bring his possible presence in your beautiful country to your attention.

Tony Ryals

From message board that documents James Dale Davidson's strange activity in Dubai :

Re: ex-SEC'S Brent Baker and Agora's Porter Stansberry a team ?
By sovereign and strategic on 9/5/2005 7:57:49 PM

Nope,totally unfamiliar with Atlantis Capital Fund.However when I see anything with 'sovereign'in the title or 'strategic' I do
think of James Dale Davidson.However that is not neccessarily good reasoning as he probably has imitators.In fact he seems more of an imitator himself than than innovator.

scionist on siliconinvestor has been finding some interesting new Davidson scams and connections.I found it interesting that he
mentioned that while the SEC seems to have been perusing the website - Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,and the United Arab Emirates had internet visitors to the website as well.If this is true,I wonder why ? Why would Middle Eastern internet users take an interest in ?

To: TheTruthseeker who wrote (15632) 8/23/2005 3:45:45 PM
From: scionist of 15696

105 W. Monument St., Baltimore, MD 21201 USA

Below,is a recent James Dale Davidson scam.Can anyone explain this
one ? A new penny stock pump and dump with Dubai-Saudi connections ?
Is Iraqgate connected Terry Byrne involved ?

I presume this is another penny stock pump and dump that will benefit
Middle Eastern 'investors' or anonymous criminals at the expense of
defrauded Americans ? And what about 911 ? Where's the SEC,the
DOJ,the FBI ? Or Homeland Security for that matter ?

Why does the SEC still allow this to go on ? Is this possible money laundering using the SEC's Reg S ? Why does the SEC not put as much
priority in putting a stop to these offshore penny stock deals as they did to the so-called Regulation 'SHO', that not only defraud
Americans,who are the biggest victims of these pumps and dumps when these penny stock shares finally come to roost,but these unaudited
penny stock shares can also easily be used in money laundering and aiding terrorist activities.

Why does Senator Bennett not decry this scandal rather than aid fraudsters,in false 'naked shorting' victim claims which really only
protect illegal pump and dump operations and money laundering,including or particluarly,those running these offshore frauds and or money laundering activities with U.S. penny stocks ?

Either Senator Bennett is incompetent or he is aiding the traitors such as James Dale Davidson,knowingly or not,in criminal
activities.Can Senator Bennett explain how encouraging illegal pump and dump activities through Dubai etc.,aids our national security ?
Can he explain how it doesn't endanger it ?

Senator Bennett,is there something I don't know ? Is the issuing of U.S.penny stocks offshore for boiler rooms like of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai for illegal pump and dump activities really good for us? Is this a way for us to some how help the 'good guys'
like James Dale Davidson and his fraudulent group who always claim they and their victims were 'naked shorted' after an illegal pump and
dump ?

Are those of us who lose everything in these apparent Beltway originating scams then true 'patriots' for having been robbed and
defrauded in a Beltway originating international penny stock scam ?

I thought I was investing however riskily in a Stanford patent with a Texas biotech but I was instead being ripped off in a Beltway run
international penny stock pump and dump operation run by former National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson.One way or the other this is fraud,Senator Bennett,and this is who and what you ae aiding.

Tony Ryals

More from siliconinvestor :

Search Results 1 - 4 of 4 search results
Active File Date: 6/29/2004
Officer Name Officer Type Corporation Name

1314 E LAS OLAS BLVD #222 Address 2:
Zip: 33301 Country:
Status: Active

AMENNI, INC. [was Bioceutics Inc. until 5 Jul 05]

Officer/Director Detail Name & Address Title



PO BOX 3273

Marketing Distribution and Product Development News

Middle East

Our Chairman Mr Patrick J Lochrie has recently had discussions with Senior Health Officials from several Middle East countries at our
Dubai offices with a view to having our innovative Patch Products approved for use throughout their respective National Health services.

To: scionist who wrote (15617) 8/18/2005 8:20:28 PM
From: scionist of 15620

owner: P Lochrie

CFO Group are pleased to announce that we are currently looking in the South Florida region in the US to expand our entertainment business and Kings Club Brand to compliment our business in Zurich and London.

Our Goal is to develop three Gentlemen's clubs with a British flavor in the region.

We have began an extensive recruitment campaign and are currently accessing our first location
which will be in the Greater Miami area.
We are also in the process of recruiting Waiters, Waitresses and Dancers. Britannia.htm

James Dale Davidson William Rees-Mogg James Ulysses Blanchard New Zealand Wharekauhau Lodge Farm Wairarapa.Also more recent from his on
internet self promotion is mention of 'New World Premium Brands, Auckland, New Zealand and Martinborough Winery Ltd.',neither of which
I know anything about.

James Dale Davidson New Zealand New World Premium Brands, Auckland,
New Zealand Martinborough Winery Ltd.

James Dale Davidson of Clinton killed Vince Foster a fraud :

James Dale Davidson Amenni,Dubai

James Dale Davidson,Bellador Group, Amenni,Dubai

NAANSS,James Dale Davidson,Colby,Clinton

James Dale Davidson,Schwab,LOM,Endovasc,Bellador Group

The Byrnes,John Edwards,attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,money laundering

Senator Bennett:Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS A Fraud ?

Schwab LOM share money laundering Davidson

contact:Tony Ryals

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