19 Nov 2005
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)
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News :: Media
News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/19/05)
Federal reserve will no longer report M3.
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Biggest Giveaway of Public Land in US History Sanctioned by Congress
19 Nov 2005
Cheryl Seal
"This land is your land, this land is my land....." - Woody Guthrie
Nowhere in Woody Guthrie's famous song does it include a line that says "This land is your land until the mining companies and their pals in Congress decide otherwise." But that is exactly what is happening this month in Congress in what amounts to one of the biggest giveaways of US public lands to corporate interests ever perpetrated. The land grab is being promoted by Republican Congressman Richard Pombo (CA).
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News :: Protest Activity
">Close the School of Assassins
Nov. 19: Thousands Rally at the Gates of Fort Benning, Georgia

Nov. 20: Funeral Procession and Nonviolent Direct Action
Arlen Salas David - Presente!
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BTL:ExxposeExxon Campaign Works to Inform Public About...
19 Nov 2005
Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
...Oil Giant's Windfall Profits and Environmental Policies ~ Interview with Dave Hamilton, of the Sierra Club, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
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News :: Environment : Health Care : Urban Development
solar Heated homes ~ saving Money & energy
Review of Sustainable Technologies for Renewable Energy, Eliminating Waste, Recycling and for Real economic Progress.
Many Links to sustainable technology, Recycling, organic gardening-farming, renewable energy, Permaculture and disaster relief web sites.
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Should the Irish be Trusting the Brits?
The Irish people want peace, with justice, in the Brit-occupied Six Counties of N. Ireland. This is why, in 1998, they voted for the “Good Friday Agreement” (GFA), a formula for power sharing. At an Irish peace forum on 11/18/05, at Georgetown U., panelists debated the GFA. They all seem to agree the now-suspended Six County “Assembly,” had to be restored in order to make any additional progress. However, many other issues, like building trust, remain.
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News :: Children
A Letter to America
18 Nov 2005
Johnny Jesus
A Letter to America
America, your un-elected demon leader is using your name
to attempt falsely imprisoning me here in Canada through
the tyranny of his blatant fascistic “top secret”
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LOCAL News :: Africa : Children : Environment
Freedom from the Oil Pirates and Robber Barons
Review of Sustainable Technologies for Renewable Energy, Eliminating Waste, Recycling and for Real economic Progress.
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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights : Latin America : Peace : Protest Activity
Thousands to Rally to Demand - Closure of Controversial US Army Training School this Weekend
18 Nov 2005
School of the Americas Watch (SOAW)
Mass Convergence at Fort Benning, Georgia
November 19-20 to Close School of the Americas
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