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Baltimore IMC


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News :: U.S. Government

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

And some of that money laundering with this unaudited U.S.penny stock fraud's shares has been in the UAE's Dubai,Kuala Lumpur,Nicosia and through a California bank while W Bush has assured us, in order to run his deal with whoever in the UAE to surrender our ports,that the UAE has cleaned up its act and this kind of thing no longer occurs ! And the Securities Exchange Commission is harrassing business journalists to cover up such stock fraud and thus are also covering up money laundering and illegal pump and dump activities with U.S. penny stocks in the EAU for George W Bush, !

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LOCAL Announcement :: Baltimore MD

Support the Algebra Project's Student Strike!

The Baltimore Algebra project presents Student Strike to demand funding owed by the State and prevent the closing of 15% of the schools. Assemble at 11 AM each day: Mar. 1 at State School Board, across from the 1st Mariner Arena; Mar. 2 at City School Board, 200 North Ave.; Mar. 3 at City Hall, 100 Holliday St. Call 443-904-5646.

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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Culture : Environment

Grassy Narrows Warns Weyerhaeuser: “Withdraw or Face Fierce Campaign”

The Grassy Narrows First Nation, an indigenous community in Northwestern Ontario, has issued an ultimatum to logging giants Weyerhaeser and Abitibi-Consolidated. The companies must either immediately stop their destructive use of the land or prepare themselves for a fierce international campaign.

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News :: Media

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/28/06)

A great email about 911 truth tactics.

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Announcement :: International Relations

Medea Benjamin & Iraqi Journalist/Activist to Speak

Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK, the peace network, and Dman Ahman Khamas, and Iraqi journalist and activist against war abuses, will speak on Thursday, March 8 at 7:30 at Anne Arundel Community College

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News :: [none]


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LOCAL News :: War in Iraq

An activist's open letter to the peace and anti-war movement

Marking the third year of war and occupation one activist sends an open letter to the peace and anti-war movement

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

war on terror


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News :: U.S. Government

Agora Inc.,CFRN,Bud Burrell,attorney Ron Logan,'naked short' penny stock scam,Phoenix,Arizona

Burrell also has been a litigation consultant for John OQuinn, the Texas lawyer representing in its suit against Rocker Partners, Gradient Analytics and other defendants who allegedly undermined the companys stock through nefarious shorting activities.

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News :: Asia

Musharraf must be told some harsh home truths


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