Marking the third year of war and occupation one activist sends an open letter to the peace and anti-war movement
Dear friends in the peace and anti-war movement, I am simply one activist calling you to increase your efforts this March to end the war and occupation. Another year of war and occupation is about to pass and it is time for people to renew and increase their efforts for peace. It is time to act to show our resistance to warfare and occupation. It is time to dissent against the continued occupation of Iraq and the militaristic policies of the Bush Administration and the cowardly complicit US Congress. It is time to confront The War Machine, The Pentagon. Several local and national groups have called for people to come to Washington DC to demonstrate their dissent and resistance against war and occupation at The Pentagon this March 20, 2006. The National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, and the DC Anti-War Network are just some of these groups with calls for people to protest against the continued Iraq War this March. As the war rages on, the US Congress is considering additional funding for war and occupation. The estimated request to Congress by the Bush Administration for the war-occupation is over $115 billion. This is only part of the cost to Americans. The cost to Iraqis is unimaginable. Countless tens of thousands, perhaps well over a hundred thousand, have died as a direct result of the occupation. Almost 2300 US troops have been killed and over 16600 have received physical injuries that will alter their lives and that of their loved ones for ever. And yet, this is only part of the horrific debacle of America’s foreign-military policy regarding Iraq. Systemic torture by American troops against people, many not even charged with a crime, has been brought to our attention. Daily we hear of the abuse and torture. Where is the outrage? Where is our shame? Will we turn away and say we don’t know or we can’t do anything about this? Certainly our elected leaders feel no shame and outrage if they entertain continued funding of this illegal and immoral war-occupation. They turn away from these war crimes. Will you? We cannot let this tragic milestone of war and occupation pass without actions of civil resistance and dissent. We must not turn away and pretend we don’t know what is being done in our names. We must not be complacent do nothing as many Europeans did when the Nazis sent millions to the concentration camps. The Jews, the Roma, the Gays and Lesbians, and those who opposed fascism, war, and occupation perished in the camps while those who were complacent became complicit. The war, the occupation, the torture was wrong then as it is now. We know this war-occupation and torture is immoral and illegal. We have the duty to respond. We must not cut and run from our responsibility. I urge you to come to Washington DC and confront The War Machine, The Pentagon. I urge you to come and participate in nonviolent civil resistance at The Pentagon on Monday March 20, 2006. Come as individuals, with an affinity group, or any other group you belong to and dissent against the war policies of our government. Get in touch with groups calling for nonviolent civil resistance at The Pentagon. Contact the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, or the DC Anti-War Network. On Monday September 26, 2005 over 370 people were arrested in front of The White House protesting the war-occupation. On March 20, 2006 we must increase our numbers. We must send a clear message to our leaders that on March 20 it will not be business as usual at The Pentagon. On March 20th we will shut The War Machine down. We cannot turn away. We must respond, dissent, and resist. It is our duty. Come join us! Malachy Kilbride, DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) activist Or contact the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance: