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Submissions to the newswire


Interview :: Environment

Revolt of the Scientists

Interview with Jeff Ruch, Exec Dir of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility

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LOCAL News :: Elections & Legislation



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News :: Miscellaneous

White House announces it will disregard Supreme Court decision

News Junkie Scott's Blog (6/29/06)

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News :: U.S. Government

New York Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud

Peter King's pal W Bush claimed that he had to 'follow the money' as his justification for invading the Swift data bank.Both King and Bush can 'follow the shares'of company's promoted and shares dumped by the CIA's In-Q-Tel penny stock pump and dump(illegal) operation.Or follow U.S. penny stocks that turn up in Kuala Lumpur or Dubai or the U.S.retail penny stock market,as Endovasc and China Wireless(CEO a Republican ?) shares have, through the Bellador Group cold call and boiler room operation !

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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Labor

Camden Yards Cleaners March to Peter Angelos

50 Camden Yards cleaning workers and supporters march to Peter Angelos's law offices on June 24th.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Activism

This Weekend: Radical Bookfair in Baltimore


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News :: Asia

The Baloch National Question in Pakistan


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LOCAL Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Art of War : Diebold

Diebold Electronic Voting Machines

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LOCAL News :: Labor

DC Activists march on Orioles owner with day laborers

Last Saturday(June 24), about ten DC activists travelled to Baltimore to help day laborers marching on the office of Peter Angelos. Angelos, the owner of the Baltimore Orioles, is paying day laborers at the Camden Yards stadium sweatshop wages.

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Commentary :: International Relations : Middle East : Military

Light at the end of very long tunnel

quoted: "Withdrawal is the centerpiece of a set of demands from the groups, which operate north of Baghdad in the heavily Sunni Arab provinces of Salahuddin and Diyala. Although much of the fighting has been to the west, those provinces are increasingly violent and attacks there have crippled oil and commerce routes."

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