Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Commentary :: International Relations : Middle East : Military

Light at the end of very long tunnel

quoted: "Withdrawal is the centerpiece of a set of demands from the groups, which operate north of Baghdad in the heavily Sunni Arab provinces of Salahuddin and Diyala. Although much of the fighting has been to the west, those provinces are increasingly violent and attacks there have crippled oil and commerce routes."
Good news escapes our attention since it was (kinda) short-lived. But, let’s look into it some more: source:;_ylt=Aq._oLxwjAa_aVlLvdlG6bVX6GMA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl
titled (Insurgents offer to halt attacks in Iraq), naturally the Democratic “ney-sayers” will try to play this down or squash this bit of news before it comes out in a stronger form.

Simply put the “insurgents” – I personally dispute the validity of that word and would prefer if they were called by what they are CRIMINAL- BUTCHERS. Some insurgencies could be justified, but the number of people beheaded on Al-Jazeera do not leave any viable options as to what exact noun a person can use except “Criminal-Butchers”. Yes, none of us like to hear or see that American forces are under attack from some lunatic suicide bomber on his way to the 77 virgins that martyrdom has earned him. I’d rather have them capitulate – what odds are there that the long term engagement can be won by those criminals? NONE. The sooner they start to cry “uncle” – the sooner we will leave both Afghanistan and Iraq. We’d prefer if they brought us Osama’s head in a bag as a parting gift – but we won’t press that issue. Hussein will no longer pose a threat, but I would prefer that we don’t quite leave yet – simply because I am habitually skeptical when it comes to promises, accords, agreements made between anybody else with Islam. Islam mandates that a good follower of Islam (in the name of Allah – of course) would practice TAQYAH (deception – if compelled and when warranted). Our exit from the Middle East should be done in such a manner as to leave that part of the world safer (to the United States interests) than when we first got there. Sure we’ll withdraw the moment you start with public execution of all your own criminals and some degree of enforcing civilized Laws instead of Sharia Laws mandated by Islam. In my experience, once you blink (offer negotiations, withdrawals, and similar) the only logical answer is more pressure from the other side (U.S) in order to convince you that you’re on the loosing side of the table.

George W. Bush has been a masterful leader in this case. He accurately assessed the needed force to get to the point of having us take our boys home with pride and minimize our losses between these Godless people (I do not consider Islam a valid religion – nominally it seems like a religion but it fails to qualify in my view). I am sure that Rummy, Condi and El Presidente are now carefully reviewing what harder decisions to make. This just the first sign that we will come out ahead with the right leadership as opposed to all the Democratic ninnies and whiners.

Additionally the Russians have demanded that the killers of the Russian diplomats would be found and killed. I don't know what might is it in the world that would continue to thumb its nose at both United States and Russia. What is the possible good of that? Possibly the alleged martyrdom with 77 chicks awaiting the brave killers.

Iliya Pavlovich

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