Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Interview :: Environment

Revolt of the Scientists

Interview with Jeff Ruch, Exec Dir of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
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Over 9000 scientists, working for the EPA - Environmental Protection Agency, have signed a petition calling for honesty in allowing chemicals to be put on the open market. The Bush administration has continued the practice of allowing big corporations and polluters to poison the public, when they allow chemicals to be declared safe.

This summer alone, over twenty known carcinogins or ozone-depleting chemicals are expected to be added to a permanently safe status. The most well-known, Methyl-Bromide, is used to poison strawberries while in the field, but the gas then rises and reduces the ozone-layer at a magnificent rate. It was outlawed decades ago, but the Clinton administration gave it new life with a temporary status. Currently the Bush administration plans to declare it permanently available for use.

This interview discusses the position the scientists are taking, the economics of polluton and the options we, the people, have in saving our lives.

To Contact:
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER)
2000 P Street, NW; Suite 240
Washington, D.C. 20036
(v) (202) 265-7337
Fax (202) 265-4192

Running times:
Interview only 47 minutes
with music 49:15

Music - Miles Davis "Bitches Brew"

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