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Baltimore IMC


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LOCAL Commentary :: Peace

More Photos From the Anti-War Rally, DC 1-27-07

The march brought thousands and thousands of people to the Mall in D.C.

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LOCAL News :: Peace

Photos From Anti-War Rally, DC 1-27-07

On Saturday January 27, 2007 I observed and took part in a national movement towards peace and bringing the troups home. Three photos follow.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

BTL:Activists Opposing Iraq War Campaign to Enlist City, State Governments

Interview with Joel Barkin, executive director of the Progressive States Network, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

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Commentary :: Media

Venezuela's RCTV Acts of Sedition

Hugo Chavez within the law acting against a flagrant media abuser

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Announcement :: Activism : Military : Peace : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

Feb 2-4: Gathering for "Barricade the War Machine" Actions

From Feb 2-4 Pittsburgh anti-war activists will host a weekend-long gathering to provide information and a forum for dialogue about direct action protests taking place in Pittsburgh on March 2. It is also intended to include social time for movement building and creating personal and organizational relationships.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

BTL:Democrats' First 100-Hour Agenda Doesn't Address America's...

...Racial, Economic Divide~Interview with Emma Dixon, executive director of the Creation of Wealth Project, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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News :: Activism

WEAA, 88.9 and Dr. Tyrone Powers


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Announcement :: Globalization

Brazil: ParanĂ¡ State demands respect.

In the case of BR-376 the situation is still more serious. Because it is intended to give to private exploration a federal highway that was constructed with money of the people of ParanĂ¡ State.

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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights

BTL:White House Reversal on Domestic Spying Program Shouldn't...

...Derail Congressional Investigation~Interview with Shayana Kadidal, Center for Constitutional Rights attorney, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

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News :: Activism

Peace Activists Face Trial


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