Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Commentary :: Peace

More Photos From the Anti-War Rally, DC 1-27-07

The march brought thousands and thousands of people to the Mall in D.C.
People were packed two blocks back from 3rd Street where the Mall begins to around 5th Street, with people scattered back to the Washington Monument.

A rally with speakers from all across the country spoke of urgent reasons for ending the U.S. war in Iraq. Speakers included a 12-year-old student; a father of a soldier, a soldier who has refused to deploy to what he calls an illegal war in Iraq; two members of Congress; and many others. The march began around 1 p.m.

During the rally before the march began, hundreds took their signs and selves directly to the steps of Congress.


Maryland groups and citizens were well represented.


Hopkins students and teachers also had a presence there.


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