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Baltimore IMC


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Commentary :: History

Welcome to Palestine

Middle east reality

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Commentary :: Health Care

Governing against the People

The dream of 1989 that democracy and capitalism can be reconciled fades.. Elected governments orient their decisions in the interests of trans-national groups and global finance markets.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Activism : International Relations : Protest Activity : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

100,000+ March on Washington to End the Iraq War

On a sunny Saturday in Washington D.C. on Jan. 27, 2007, 100,000+ people gathered on The Mall and marched around the Capital Building to highlight the point that Congress can and should bring an end to the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Chants included "Bring the Troops Home Now," and "Hey Bush! Can't You See? All the People Disagree!"

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News :: Race and Ethnicity


Such a mean old man, such a dirty old man...

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Announcement :: Environment

Why suppress Biovision/Biosquare ?

From the 11th to the 14th of March 2007, the fifth edition of Biovision/Biosquare Forum is going to take place in Lyon ( France). These meetings are now considered to be the biggest meeting in the world on biotechnologies. According to the organizers : ...

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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

Special Forum on Free Speech and Censorship this Wednesday

Mark Your Calendar! Special Forum on Free Speech and Censorship this Wednesday at the Enoch Pratt Central Library.

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Commentary :: Poverty

How the Rich Become Richer and the Poor Poorer

The rich become richer by taking from the poorer and the poor.. How long will humanity fall to capitalism and the asocial drives of a small clique of beneficiaries?.. We can't afford the rich.

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News :: Media

Send a Message to Congress Today: STOP THE FCC!

Send a Message to Congress Today: STOP THE FCC!

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News :: Europe : History

Surprise to some, old news to others

The crown jewel of all things American is probably the Constitution, but in this little article we'll find a small nation in Europe that has had the same (if not higher) standards of democracy, freedom and liberty for thousands of years - yet that very same nation waw ruthlessly and illegaly bombed by Slick Willy.

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LOCAL Commentary :: War in Iraq

Rep. John Conyers: “Congress Can Fire Bush!”

A massive anti-Iraqi War rally was held, in D.C., on Sat., Jan. 27, 2007. The Chairman of the House’s Judiciary Committee, Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), sent an unmistakable warning to President George W. Bush. Conyers said he wants the “war stopped.” He reminded Bush, that the U.S. Congress “can fire him.” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Bush “tricked the American people” into the war. She said, to loud applause: “Bush isn’t the decider. He’s the liar!”

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