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News :: Race and Ethnicity


Such a mean old man, such a dirty old man...
There are simply no words to describe one of the biggest obscure tyrants of our days.

Tyrant bad musician Paul McCartney was thrown out of a street in New York that he had illegally closed to give a "concert" and he even had to dismantle the scaffoldings he had built for those purposes. He was also thrown out of a hotel in Portugal where he wanted people staying at the same floor as his to be changed to another floor and even demanded silk sheets of a special rare brand and Champagne of another special rare brand. The Council demolished a mansion he had illegally built without the permission of the afore mentioned Council. His children have to stand in line before him, as if he was a General and them some kind of soldiers, as can be seen on the video of Linda's death. Apple Computers sued him for 5.700.000 Euros because of illegally using the Apple logo. His second wife Heather Mills says she has enough of him and his abusive ego trip and started the divorce procedures, attempting to get 300.000.000 Euros in the divorce. Heather Mills herself admitted that Paul McCartney did beat her up on several occasions. There are no words to describe this ghostly looking flat face senile ogre tyrant named Paul McCartney whom destroyed the Beatles in his RACIST and CHAUVINIST hatred towards Yoko Ono, wanted to destroy John Lennon due to the fact that Lennon was the director and founder of the Beatles, whose name he created, and destroyed Linda (as he himself admitted) to the point of taking her to cancer due to the feminine hormones she took because of the complex this OGRE had built in her.
Last year this abusive non-musician was even taken to Court by a composer for stealing one of his songs.

It is incredible that such ogre full of hatred and egoism as this untalented bad musician did now release a remix of the Beatles music titling it "Love" (he also keeps speaking about whales as a deceptive strategy to hide such an obscure soul full of darkness). He is so heartless that having more than 1500 million Euros in his accounts, without taking into consideration the properties he has, he only wanted to give poor Heather Mills the amount of 10 million Euros on the divorce and not only this because he fought in Court so as to give his own daughter the misery of 20 million Euros!!!
This heartless monster even had the keys of his house at Cavendish Rd. St. John's Wood, changed not to allow Heather and his daughter into the house in the middle of a freezing winter. He even called the bank so that wife and daughter could not draw a penny from the account.
Vile Paul McCartney even resorted to have Heather intimidated though a journalist of the Sunday Times who talked to her saying that there were two people from Liverpool with criminal records going to kill her and that she had to take precautions. McCartney did this so that Heather wouldn't reveal the abnormal practices of his and that he forced Heather to use on him. McCartney did publicly say that one of the conditions of the divorce should have been the absolute silence regarding their private lives. This is what he feared would have come to light.

Due to the fact that he doesn't have the slightest knowledge of music, non-musician Paul McCartney also uses real musicians to compose and write scores for him because he can neither read nor write music, as he did with American musician Carl Davis, literally buying Carl's composed scores and using them for the "Liverpool Oratorio", making them his property. He also buys composed scores off Michael Earle of Leeds and Andrew McAllister of London, pretending they are his own scores afterwards. He used to make the life of his former wife Linda a misery just because she was a school trained pianist and could read and write music, whereas he could not.
One of the reasons why Paul McCartney hated Yoko Ono was because Yoko had a soprano voice that really did cast a shadow on his non-singer voice (he and George Harrison made sure that Yoko did not show her brilliant voice nowhere along the line, severely negotiating this with John Lennon. She could only give a glimpse of her voice on the Rolling Stones' Rock and Roll Circus film).

Many years back, Paul McCartney told George Harrison at the Apple offices that the newer generations coming after theirs are a bundle of idiots and useless people, but that in any way they would have also been slaves of the Beatles. McCartney is one of the biggest racist people ever. His deep racism shows in the hatred he had towards Japanese Yoko Ono, such big hatred that even caused the destruction of the Beatles.

RESUMING: Paul McCartney wanted to destroy John Lennon, hated Yoko Ono, destroyed the Beatles, said George Harrison is a nothing, never called Ringo to play with him again, destroyed Linda, destroyed Heather, left his own daughter on the road in freezing winter, said all next generations are a bundle of idiots and useless people, wanted all human beings to leave the floor where he was at the hotel in Portugal...Paul McCartney DISLIKES AND HATES EVERYBODY, he only likes HIMSELF. He is a gigantic MISANTHROPIST, even though he puts on all kind of masks when in front of the Media.

As said before, there are simply no words to describe one of the biggest obscure tyrants of our days, as well as one of the most untalented non-musicians ever, whose lot was making elementary bass lines on naïve songs and by ear, not having the slightest knowledge of music at all.

Such a mean old man, such a dirty old man...

And nobody needs you and nobody feeds you
when you are 64
in the end the love you take
is equal to the love you make...Monster...

...boy, you gonna carry that weight, carry that weight a long time...
...eight days a week...
...the continuing story of Bungalow Bill...
...'cause life's the Taxman, yeah, life's the Taxman...


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