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Send a Message to Congress Today: STOP THE FCC!

Send a Message to Congress Today: STOP THE FCC!
Send a Message to Congress Today: STOP THE FCC!

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Dear saveaccess supporter,

We need you to send a letter today! The new Senate Commerce Committee meets on Thursday this week in a Hearing entitled: "Assessing the Communications Marketplace: A View from the FCC".

This annual Q/A of the FCC by the Senate Committee is an important moment for us to respond to the December 20th FCC Ruling on Video Franchising. That FCC ruling went far deeper than the failed Congressional legislation of last year in attacking Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) Access channels and facilities. It also threatens local municipalities ability to exercise control over their 'rights of way" and provides little protection against the red-lining of entire communities. Worse of all, the FCC hearing on the matter was rife with inaccuracies and half-truths that even the phone companies backed away from. Such behavior by a Federal agency is reprehensible and we demand full accountability now!

The many organizations representing cities, along with the Alliance for Community Media, have promised a lawsuit - but we need for the Senate to hear from the people and for them to respond accordingly. Congressional intervention can stop this mess now!

Please take a moment today to send our letter to the Senate committee! We have to ensure that 'local video franchising' is on the Senate's list of problematic issues with the FCC (because it's a long list!). And though we are seriously miffed about this mess, we have a proper and polite letter you can send to all the members of the Senate Commerce Committee.

Take Action Today at:

Thank you!

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