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News :: Asia : Civil & Human Rights : International Relations

Baloch Nationalists under fire by Pakistan sponsored Islamic Mullas


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Announcement :: Peace

Sept. 20th: Speaking Truth to Power -- End War and Occupation Now!

Declaration of Peace and National Campaign of Nonviolent Resistance will be coming together for a historic action the same week as Gen. Petraeus makes his report on Iraq.

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News :: Globalization : International Relations : Military : Peace : U.S. Government

A Dawning Dictatorship? (911-2B & NSPD-51)

Captain Eric H. May posts an update to his breaking story on the 911-2B Scenario.

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News :: International Relations

Dubai Aerospace Enterprise acquires Standard Aero and Aviation from Carlyle Group

Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) is part of an integrated aerospace cluster that is being assembled at Dubai World Central – the new 140 square kilometer airport and logistics city being constructed at Jebel Ali, Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. The firm is made up of 6 divisions – DAE Airports, DAE Capital, DAE Engineering, DAE Manufacturing, DAE Services, and DAE University. Dubai has long since taken over from Lebanon as the business and financial center of the Middle East, however, and DAW sees growing regional and global opportunities in the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) business. Which may explain the formal completion of DAE's $1.9 billion acquisition of aviation service providers Standard Aero and Landmark Aviation from The Carlyle Group… The operations of Landmark Aviation Airport Services and the sale process will be overseen by an independent board of trustees made up of former Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger, former Senator Bob Kerrey and former Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim. The sale process will be conducted by Merrill Lynch.

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News :: Media

CNN's Glen Beck disparages "conspiracy theories"

News Junkie Scott's Blog (8/04/07)

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Interview :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Latin America

Cuba 2007: Speaking with the Cuban Libertarian Movement (MLC)

* Interview by the Russian newspaper SITUATION from libertarian collective Autonomous Action regarding the current political picture in the island. A Spanish translation was published in El Libertario #50, Venezuela, 2007. For more info go to: -cuban anarchist website- and

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Commentary :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Globalization : International Relations : Latin America

Manifesto of solidarity with Venezuelan anarchists and social movements

* The newspaper Tierra y Libertad, mouthpiece of the Iberian Anarchist Federation, published in edition 227 of June 2007 this manifesto of the International of Anarchist Federations (IAF-IFA; in support of those who in Venezuela today confront the bureaucratic capitalist project of the Chavez government as well as their social democrat and right wing opponents.

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Announcement :: Activism : Military : Peace : War in Iraq

Days of Decision - Swptember 14 - 21

Declaration of Peace Campaign calls for nonviolent direct actions at congressional offices to defund the occupation and promote an Iraqi-led Peace Initiative

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News :: Protest Activity

Babylon, Pride of Man

In Washington, D.C., Babylon on the Potomac was found "the blood of the saints and of all who have been slain on the earth." (Rev. 18) "O God! Pride of Man, fallen in the dust again!"

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News :: Education

US Presidential Candidate: Free Education is Possible

As millions of college students begin preparing to enter college this fall, many have become accustom to increased tuitions year after year. Nationwide college tuitions are climbing and in some states the increase is 10 percent or more going into the fall semester. Stewart A. Alexander, a Peace and Freedom Party Candidate for President, says free education is possible through university level; a position the PFP, Peace and Freedom Party, has supported for 40 years.

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