Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Activism : Military : Peace : War in Iraq

Days of Decision - Swptember 14 - 21

Declaration of Peace Campaign calls for nonviolent direct actions at congressional offices to defund the occupation and promote an Iraqi-led Peace Initiative
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The Declaration of Peace announces
September 14 - 21
A Week of Nationwide Coordinated Actions to
End the U.S. Occupation of Iraq
The Declaration of Peace Calls Upon the People of the United States to Take Nonviolent Action This September at Congressional Offices Across the Country to End the Funding for the War on Iraq and Establish a Comprehensive Peace Plan for Iraq.
Make a Commitment to Work with Others to End the War
Visit to:
Sign The Declaration of Peace•
Join an event or action near you•
Find tools to help organize and announce an action at your • Congressperson’s office
See the Comprehensive Peace Plan for Iraq, campaign • updates, activist resources, and other information
We, the people, must set the agenda for a change in U.S. policy in Iraq.
Join thousands in Declaring Peace!
at die-ins and other nonviolent actions at Congressional Offices and other locations across the country, including nonviolent action in Washington, D.C. on September 20th.
The Declaration of Peace is a grassroots-driven nationwide campaign, endorsed by more than 800 local and national organizations, with hundreds of organizers planning actions to end the U.S. occupation of Iraq.
Organizing Locally Coordinating Nationally
“We The People Declare Peace!”

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