Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Peace

Sept. 20th: Speaking Truth to Power -- End War and Occupation Now!

Declaration of Peace and National Campaign of Nonviolent Resistance will be coming together for a historic action the same week as Gen. Petraeus makes his report on Iraq.
Please join the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance and the Declaration of Peace on September 20, 2007 to demand an end to the war and occupation of Iraq. Let us Speak Truth to Power and remind the decision makers of the folly and human cost of continuing to fund the occupation. We will remember all the victims of the immoral and illegal Iraq War.

Hundreds of activists from around the country will gather on Capitol Hill to engage in nonviolent direct action to END THE U.S. WAR ON IRAQ. Come to Washington to join us in demanding that our legislators accept the mandate of the people.

Legal and logistical briefing, September 19 at 6:30 PM in a venue close to Capitol Hill. We will share the site with you when the location is confirmed.

To sign up as an individual or affinity group e-mail

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