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News :: Activism

Rally Against Dangerous Fort Detrick Expansion on Aug. 25, 2007

Frederick, MD residents and activists publicly voice opposition to cruel and inhumane violence and militarism in their community and in the world

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Commentary :: Middle East

I Spy an American

US Independents and freelancers threatened by American intelligence agent's history of spying in the Middle East

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Commentary :: Elections & Legislation

Iraq War: Democrats Will Stay the Course

These days the presidential candidates for the Democratic Party are sounding more like replacement candidates for Bush; on the issue of ending the Iraq War. All the candidates, with the exception of Representative Dennis Kucinich and Governor Bill Richardson, are making open-ended commitments to keep American forces in Iraq and the Middle East region for years.

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Review :: Education : History : Middle East

Is It Time to Rein in AIPAC?

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, “AIPAC,” is the nine ton elephant in the room! It is the ultra-engine that drives the Israel Lobby. After the Walt/Mearsheimer Report came out in March, 2006, its cover was blown. Now, Grant F. Smith’s latest book, “Foreign Agents: AIPAC,” is hitting the streets. It is a searing indictment of AIPAC in the Court of Public Opinion and should be read by every American who cares about the fate of the Republic.

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News :: Activism : Civil & Human Rights : Peace : U.S. Government

$10,000 Penalty For Promoting Political Demonstration.

ANSWER Coalition, promoter of some of the largest. most successful Wash DC demonstrations, is threatened with $10,000 fines for posters promoting upcoming demos. This threatens ALL interests that may hope to gather peacefully to express grievances to officals and mainstream public.

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News :: Media

Tarpley - Helicopter Ben unleashes Dollar hyperinflation

News Junkie Scott's Blog (8/15/07)

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News :: Environment

Asheville Activists Need Help!


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News :: Crime & Police

Security Guard struck by car, fires shots

WARREN Mi— A security guard at a café near 13 Mile and Ryan fired two shots after he was struck by a vehicle in a parking lot following an altercation late on Aug. 13.

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LOCAL Commentary :: Activism

Book Review: Peter Gelderloos' How Nonviolence Protects the State

Peter Gelderloos did not like this review. Read the review he called "assinine and misleading." Read what makes the anarchist ball his fists in hystrionic outrage!

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Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Protest Activity : Race and Ethnicity : Right Wing


Bill White is trying something dumb again.

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