Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

Announcement :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Protest Activity : Race and Ethnicity : Right Wing


Bill White is trying something dumb again.
Aug 25
BOWIE, MD--Fresh from getting stomped by a police horse in Kalamazoo, Bill White will come to Maryland on the 40th anniversary of the assasination of American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell - by his own people. White must be looking to check out himself because this stunt is going to be one for the record books. He is calling it a "Commander Rockwell Memorial Caravan" and it is going to start in the neighborhood of columnist Leonard Pitts. White has been getting some recent attention in the press these days due to his annoying Pitts for being a better and more successful writer than him, and as Bill's main goal in life is to get as much attention to himself as possible, he is trying to get as much out of this that he can. If the vehicles involved manage to stay on the road after Bowie, they will then travel to Baltimore to hit the Baltimore Sun newspaper headquarters and the Enoch Pratt Library where the Holocaust Memorial Museum is having a display concerning "Nazi Book Burnings". We are not going to miss this, and we do not think we are going to be alone. Aug 24 will be the fifth anniversary of the time Nazis on their way to a rally in Washington DC had their charter bus - and their behinds - destroyed by a group of unknown persons that apparently didn't want them around. In other words, this weekend is to observe and celebrate two notorious events where American Nazis got dropped and beat. Works for us, Bill!

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