News :: Animal Rights
Cruelty Animal In the Waterland Circuses
Many animals death have been denied and buried inside a mechanical park... we claimed for justice and instead the Environmental Ministry gave the company the permit for a zoo and they caught more than 150 animals around the island to put them inside the amusement park, full of concrete, many animals have died so far... Now Mr. O'Barry have let us show to all the dark side of that company to ask for justice of all those animals that have died in that park... in those hands... please do not let more animals to died and suffer in that terrible company...
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News :: Civil & Human Rights
Documents describe human trafficking violations by DOD contractors in Iraq
With private security firm Blackwater USA under fire for its role in a recent shooting incident in Baghdad, new details are emerging about another problem involving contractors in Iraq: the working and living conditions of international laborers employed on U.S. government projects.
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News :: Africa
South African leader tours U.S; says conditions worse than apartheid
25 Sep 2007
African People's Solidarity Committee

Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) tour exposes ongoing South African oppression and poverty under Mbeki and Mandela; conditions for most South Africans today - "Worse than Apartheid!"
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News :: Activism : Culture : Education : Health Care
Jim Morrison Blues *** 9/25
25 Sep 2007
Bobby Meade
Hola! These are Forum Topix posts addressing the fall of the Bush Nazis; i.e. those who did away with Morrison. Soon the fool will be called noble no more. (Is. 32:5) 9/25 Lethal prostate biopsies and bacterial cancers?
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News :: Activism : Culture : Globalization : Media
2nd Screening of Videoactivism and Independent Documentaries, Caracas January 2008
25 Sep 2007
El Libertario, Venezuela
* The collective editors of the Venezuelan journal El Libertario and the Organizacion Nelson Garrido, have issued a call out for filmmakers and video activists from all over the world to present their recent autonomous works concerning active social movements in struggle. This will be held in Caracas, Venezuela, between the 21st and the 28th of January 2008.
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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Crime & Police : Europe
Abortion upon abortion (two wrongs do make a right)
A Swedish journalist uncovers the side of Kosovo that even the people of Kosovo haven't seen. Bear in mind that Dec 10th is a self-proclaimed "deadline" for negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina (Albanians)
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Mercenaries without borders
24 Sep 2007
Karel Vereycken
Private armies are a real poison. Read why.
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News :: International Relations
Israelis seized nuclear material in Syrian raid
24 Sep 2007
stuffof legends and song
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Questions to the Maestro Alan Greenspan
24 Sep 2007
Thomas Fischermann
Listen to Thom Hartmann interview Alan Grrenspan on Air America Monday Sept 24. Greenspan was responsible for the credit problems that now shake the world finance markets. Did the maestro drastically lower interest rates to help the Bush administration?
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