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A Swedish journalist uncovers the side of Kosovo that even the people of Kosovo haven't seen. Bear in mind that Dec 10th is a self-proclaimed "deadline" for negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina (Albanians)
September 24, 2007 Belgrade daily Politika provides the following:

Joint efforts of UNMIK (United Nations International Peace keepers) and Albanian Mafia offer new insight into the rule of corruption, lawlessness, provided by Macej Zeremba, celebrated Swedish journalist from “Dagens Nihiter”, by uncovering the malfeasance, inability (unwillingness) of the Multinational peace Keepers of the UN in today’s Kosovo and Metohija which both now function as a peculiar first UN State in the world, whereby the International forces not only do NOT provide any peace-keeping, and drinking water, but keep building a new order of government, all based on corruption, lawlessness, wrote Mr. Macej Zeremba, the journalist of the most popular and most influential Swedish paper Dagens Niheter, after he had spent six months in this province of Southern Serbia, that he had renamed into UNMIKistan – the country of future.

Mr. Zeremba had spoken to the past and present citizens of Kosovo and Metohija, with the past and present UNMIK representatives, people representing the local government as well as the International and Humanitarian organizations now present in Kosovo and Metohija, but recorded mostly what he witnessed on the ground having arrived at an astonishing conclusions about:

a) partnership between the criminal gangs and the United Nations forces and Albanian Mafia;
b) the total incompetence of the ground forces;
c) vast number of financial misuse of public funds;
d) violations of human rights;
e) bribery, corruption
f) gross inadequacy of people sent to protect human rights.

This International Humanitarian organization is sent to protect the human rights, the underprivileged, the homes, any endangered group of individuals irrespective of religion or nationality, to implement the rule of law and the rights of all citizens of Kosovo and Metohija, whereby the foundation of a future democracy, judiciary and a well functioning market economy would be the standards – however the effect was opposite. Kosovo and Metohija became the center of lawlessness, crime, Pan-European center in white slavery and slave trading, drug trafficking, women trafficking, drugs production and distribution, in the final analysis of this Swedish journalist of Polish ancestry.

Black Market on the rise

In the first of the four sections devoted to “Unmikistan” the author explains the Kosovo and Metohija basics. The airport where he landed is watched by Iceland’s Civil Aviation, the cell phone system is provided by the French with the area code of Monte Carlo (Monaco). Every 6km (about 3.5miles) there is a gas station “which is a terrific record which only serves as a money laundering unit from the drug trafficking and sexual slavery” notes Zeremba.

The local stores carry soap from Bulgaria, shirts from Taiwan, flour from the Czech republic, drinking water from Hungary. After 8 years and 22 billion Euros (US $18 billion) all throughout Kosovo and Metohija there is plenty of black market goods from every corner of the Earth, while the legitimate stores are in a state of total collapse.

Great majority has the use of electricity a few hours a day others not even that much.

“How is it, you may ask, that the state governed by the UN, after having invested 700 million Euros in two electrical power plants in the area rich in coal (lignite), with enough power to provide electricity for the entire Balkan, how is it they can’t produce enough for local consumption, but creates 70 times the average pollution beyond the maximum pollution allowed by EU?

After the many months stay in the area our journalist studied how the entire system works, and Zeremba offers these answers: overpaid UNMIK staff did not fight corruption or organized crime, this would have required courage, sacrifice, responsibility and the only responsibility they felt was towards their own careers, within which “they feel Kosovo, Metohija is just a stepping stone. That is why the seven different Kosovo and Metohija “Governers” – UNMIK appointed chiefs, routinely stated only about “stability” and “progress”. “This was the only way for them to advance their careers.” – as quoted by the Swedish journalist.

Crime all around

You would expect that the UN mission would be like a polar expedition, adequate equipment, highly trained experts, devoted to the single cause. You would have a right to think so considering their high rate of pay and the fact that every position offered had 299 applicants to choose from. But the UN mission in Kosovo Metohija does not have any of those qualities – notes Zeremba. He adds “who can seriously believe that the police forces composed of 44 nations – half of which come from only partially democratic societies, and came here to risk their own lives to implement Laws that were alien in their own countries?”

A British source, according to Zeremba noted that the police headquarters is inundated with complaints that nobody ever even saw, since a great majority of crimes never gets investigated. On the other hand, who would know how to investigate, even they wanted to, when you see the composition of UNMIK?

The citizens of Kosovo and Metohija are taught how to run the railroads by “an expert” from Siera Leone, where the last train stopped in 1975. The parking lot attendant is from Bangladesh, a man without a driver’s license, who only speaks Bengali, so he must have (bribed) paid handsomely, to be accepted into UN. There are hundreds upon hundreds ill-trained, poorly educated people even in the finance departments, even in the semi-functional judiciary.

Great majority of the Kosovars is bitterly disappointed by UNMIK and has no faith in them, concludes Zeremba. He even gives the following analogy:

Every cow in France is subsidized by three Euros per day, while every other Kosovar lives from one third of that sum. If a Kosovo resident is robbed, there are virtually no chances the culprit would be caught, in spite of the largest per/capita police presence in Europe. The local courts are backed up by over 30,000 unsolved cases, so in theory your house could go up in flames in front of some police unit who would “closely monitor the situation”. This has already happened – states Zeremba.

From the author of this submittal:
Examples go on and on, many with actual names of the actual staff on the ground in today’s Kosovo their actual salaries and the full outline of their duties of “how to sit on their hands”. Many people outside of former Yugoslavia never heard the word Metohija which a slightly larger province in what is commonly known as Kosovo. Full proper noun is Kosovo and Metohija. Metohija is a word of Greek origin and means “church owned lands, church possessions”. The only churches in Kosovo and Metohija are Christian Serbian Eastern Orthodox churches – there are no others, except for shiny newly built Muslim Mosques.

Translated by: Iliya Pavlovich PhD

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