Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Announcement :: Globalization

Anti-World Bank Planning Convergence

Rustbelt/Midwest Convergence in Preparation for the World Bank and IMF demonstrations in DC
October 5th -7th
Pittsburgh, PA

Rustbelt/Midwest Convergence in Preparation for the World Bank and IMF demonstrations in DC
October 5th -7th
Pittsburgh, PA

On the weekend of October 5th through the 7th, Autumn Insurrection, a Pittsburgh group of radicals devoted to confronting global capitalism, will be hosting a regional convergence in preparation for the World Bank and IMF protests in Washington DC (Oct 19-21). The weekend will include informative workshops, tactical trainings, and strategy sessions. Autumn Insurrection will provide housing for Friday night through Sunday night upon request and two meals (breakfast and dinner) on Saturday/Sunday. For housing please email us at AutumnInsurrection (at) with your name, where you are from, and the number of people you need housing for. The tentative schedule for the convergence is as follows:

Friday Night:
Bail Fund Party and Show!
$5 suggested donation to World Bank/IMF Bail Fund
Location and list of confirmed bands to be announced soon

9am -11am
Meet up at Friendship Park (Friendship Ave & S. Millvale Ave) for directions to the convergence space. We will have people at Friendship Park from 9am to around 11am. Those staffing the redirect point will have a pretty pumpkin and green shirts.

Breakfast and Welcoming Session!
Along with a yummy meal, we will provide you with all of the information you will need for the weekend.

Logistics Session!
This session is to catch everyone up to date on what the protests will look like, different calls to action, and an overall schedule of events for the World Bank/IMF protests.

Presentation on DC Protest Laws.
In response to getting the shit sued out of them over and over, the District of Columbia has enacted new protest laws. This workshop is to educated you on the recent changes in the laws and what that means for the average protestor.

2:00 pm:
Health and Safety at Radical Protests Workshop
It has been quite some time since we all came together last, meaning we should probably brush up on how to keep ourselves in tip top shape to confront the capitalist beasts.

History and Tactics of the Global Justice Movement----
In this workshop we will examine the historical roots of the global justice movement and the economic/political conditions in which it formed. We will be comparing and contrasting the strategic frameworks utilized for major summit protests in the US and Canada between 1999-2002 with a specific focus on; Seattle WTO in 1999, DC IMF-WB in 2000, Quebec City FTAA in 2001, and DC IMF-WB Peoples Strike in 2002.

6:30pm: Dinner!

For security reasons, we ask that people from out of town be vouched for by three other people or email us with the group you will be representing in order to attend Sunday’s workshops. There will be a sign up for Sunday’s events Saturday morning at the Welcoming Session.

Sunday’s events will include a self defense training, a workshop on bloc formations, A-Games, and a strategy session. The location will be announced at the Convergence on Saturday.

For more information or to reserve housing email: AutumnInsurrection (at)

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