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LOCAL News :: Media

NYC Indymedia Totally Bans My Articles from Publication

In the quiet secrecy of what seems to be a conspiratorial siege mentality NYC Indymedia has unofficially but secretly banned my writing from being published on the Open News Wire entirely.

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News :: Media

"Defense" bill authorizes use of US military for domestic purposes

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/10/07)

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News :: Miscellaneous

Unpublished WTC "Collapse" Research Cited In September Is Now Available For Review

On September 11, 2007, the BBC ran an article describing a paper written by Keith Seffen of the University of Cambridge. Seffen said his research showed the collapse of the World Trade Center did not require explosives but was "an ordinary thing". The BBC claimed Seffen's paper had been published, although it hadn't. It still hasn't been published, but you can read it right now.

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News :: Environment

spray n zap


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LOCAL Announcement :: U.S. Government

Cuban Five

See the Baltimore Premiere of "The Trial" narrated by Oscar winning actor and activist Danny Glover. This dynamic film exposes the enormous injustice meted out by the U.S. government to the Cuban 5 who remain falsely incarcerated behind U.S. prison walls.

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News :: International Relations

Special Intervention Group: Assassination accusations

A television documentary claims that a Norwegian security company trains staff to torture and cites a report accusing the firm of executions.

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News :: Globalization

new defense bill authorizes military cops


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News :: Education

21st Century Fool

Stopping stupidity in the making.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Race and Ethnicity : Right Wing

Confront Racist Terrorist Gathering near Dulles Airport!


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News :: Crime & Police : Elections & Legislation : Media : U.S. Government : War in Iraq

BREAKING: Unelectable Hillary and Giuliani Tied to 9-11 Dancing Israelis

The indictment of Rudy Giuliani's stooge, former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik is just the tip of the iceberg. Kerik operated as chief facilitator, along with then MEGA MOSSAD Assistant U.S. Attorney General under the Bush Administration Michael Chertoff, in allowing the 9/11 "Dancing Israelis" to escape FBI interrogation and be allowed a free trip back to Israel.

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