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21st Century Fool

Stopping stupidity in the making.
I feel that now is a good time to reveal how the foolish Bush Nazis who worship stupidity (Deut. 13:6-9) are educated in the 21st century, since they have taken their schemes to new heights following my revelations of their techniques in "Education of Fools Exposed" and other articles, most of which are not available now. What is happening today is nothing like the "Morons America Style" of yesteryear who would just have someone like the Storm Troopers; i.e. Secret Service or Skull and Bones swear on their mother's grave that this or that degree candidate had a "brain", and the degree would appear "out of the blue". No longer can they just attend graduation and slap each other on the back and say they graduated for having attended graduation and securing a forged diploma. Now they actually have to attend the schools for four years, but the System is set up, so that even the stupidest ones can secure a diploma.

Now all of the work materializes via the computer. There are no sites availble that address any subjects in any depth. It is all generalized and dumbed down with very few details of how the knowledge became accepted as fact. As a result of this, all students are getting the same generalized information and producing nearly identical papers on whatever is called for. Even though the professors may claim to change the format each year; the new material is also generalized so that all are doing the same stuff. In steps the wannabe student with fabricated SAT scores and a mastery of computer hacking via secret access codes. Since all students are doing the same generalized work, it is a simple matter to copy another student's work and fool the professor into thinking the wannabe student produced it. Up at Cornell the students avoided the libraries where hackers ruled totally, and a similar situation probably materializes everywhere. Look up any subject on a card catalogue on the computer, and you will probably get one valid reference and a host of worthless ones; thus to seek out other pertinent material, you have to go to the stacks and browse through material with similar call numbers. In the stacks lurk the Bush Nazis who have been tracking anyone using the card catalogue; thus you will find the area of your search full of chemicals in air, usually a moderate concentration of sulphur, which will give you a headache at the very least. After a few tries at doing legitimate original research at a library, the serious student will just relent and rely totally on the generalized excuse for knowledge that is available on the computer. When it comes to testing, it is possible to obtain any test in advance if it has been typed on the computer and/or copied on a copy machine that can be accessed via a computer. This generalization of knowledge has allowed for the proliferation of stupidity in higher education to such a degree that many of the professors are the product of this dumbed down computer knowledge. Every single interaction between computers is recorded on the Internet, and this hacking business should have been stopped long ago, but it seems like you have to use these secret access codes in order to witness intercomputer communications and such hacking. Even though the detection and elimination of such hacking is the easiest way to straighten out higher education, there are other ways that will work just as well.

As I have made clear before, let them go back to calling on students to read aloud passages from the texts. The professors will be able to see immediately what their intellectual capabilities are. Oral exams might be another foolproof answer, for just picking random material from a topic will determine if a student has a good grasp or a poor grasp of all of the material in the topic. Even in instances where the class is very large, it is still possible to determine whether or not each student knows all the material or just part of it by randomly selecting a portion of it and testing the students individually in person. Since people lacking in intelligence should have never gotten into colleges to begin with, the admissions offices certainly need to do a better job of judging who they are admitting to school. If necessary they could have the students fill out their application forms in person. Since there obviously seems to be flaws in the college board testing process for stupidity to proliferate like this, the scores should be verified via embossed test results from valid sites that cannot be altered in any way. College board tests probably cannot be printed, copied, or put on computers with Internet hookup at all without hackers accessing them. Last but not least, professors might want to vary the method and mode of testing from year to year so that a Bush Nazi could not cheat by obtaining critical information from someone who had taken the course before.

The access codes being used are from the Federal Government; thus it will probably be necessary to restrict the use of such codes in order to stop them from dreaming up another scheme to educate fools.

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