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News :: International Relations

Special Intervention Group: Assassination accusations

A television documentary claims that a Norwegian security company trains staff to torture and cites a report accusing the firm of executions.
05 Nov 2007, 16:35

On the Monday edition of Dokument 2 images from the Norwegian managed security company Special Intervention Group's (SIG) extreme training course will be shown.

The company is led by two Norwegians and provides training for Norwegians, Swedes and Danes to become bodyguards in war-torn countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, newspaper Dagbladet reports.

TV 2 has acquired a classified police report on the "specialized security industry" and according to the program SIG is one of the most feared companies in terms of creating potential criminals.

The police report claims to have confirmed information that SIG has carried out liquidation assignments in Afghanistan for the American government, but the company rejects the accusation as "nonsense".

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