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Baltimore IMC


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Commentary :: Crime & Police

Love a Snitch for Progress

Snitches get stitches. Is there a better way?

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

Made in Canada

This is a very serious article about N.A.F.T.A and the NWO

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News :: Civil & Human Rights

"occupation"- Palestines golden age

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News :: Media

Capitalism is causing worker destitution

News Junkie Scott's Blog (4/20/2008)

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News :: Latin America

Red Odessa paraguaya

El Archivo de Odessa es un relato que el novelista Frederick Forsyth escribió en colaboración con Simon Wiesenthal, donde recreaba la red de protección tendida entre ex criminales de guerra del régimen nazi-hitleriano, y que en en el libro aparece dirigida por Martin Bormann, el General SS Richard Glucks, Heinrich Muller, el ex jefe de la Gestapo y Eduard Roschmann, jerarca de la GESTAPO que dirigiera en Letonia el tristemente célebre campo de concentración de Riga. Eduard Roschmann, otro personaje del libro de Forsyth, acabó sus días en el Hospital de Clínicas de Asunción.

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LOCAL News :: Activism : Economy

From DC Indymedia: Mega Cops, heated words at Foreclosure protest

On April 16, protesters showed up at the convention of the Mortgage Bankers Association to demand a moratorium on the skyrocketing foreclosures that are making so many people homeless.
Crowd at the Mortgage Bankers Association protest at the luxurious Washington Court Hotel

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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Civil & Human Rights : Class : Crime & Police : Race and Ethnicity

African Community of Baltimore Demands "Free the MTA 9!"

International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement says the conviction of five eighth-graders in Baltimore is representative of attack on democratic rights of entire African community

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News :: Activism : Culture : History : Latin America : Protest Activity

Anarchism in Venezuela, past and present

* This is a brief outline of the libertarian footprint in the history of Venezuela, prepared by members of the Collective Editorship of El Libertario We hope that this serves as a useful point of reference for those who are interested in the subject.

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News :: Media

Feds to collect DNA from every person they arrest

News Junkie Scott's Blog (4/17/2008)

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News :: Children

Child Sexual Abuse By Clergy, - What The Media Doesn’t Want You To Know!

Today as in the past, the mainstream Media is falling all over itself to hype previous allegations of abuse by Priests in the Catholic Church especially now with the arrival of Pope Benedict XVI in Washington, D.C. However, what is not reported on is the serious problem of child sexual abuse among the Ashkenazi Jewish Clergy and its community. A profoundly disproportional rate many thousands of times greater among Jews than Catholics per-capita. The evidence is clear and leaves us to ask, … is any child, girl or boy, safe in the Synagogue?

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