LOCAL News :: Activism : Economy
From DC Indymedia: Mega Cops, heated words at Foreclosure protest
On April 16, protesters showed up at the convention of the Mortgage Bankers Association to demand a moratorium on the skyrocketing foreclosures that are making so many people homeless.

Crowd at the Mortgage Bankers Association protest at the luxurious Washington Court Hotel

Pissed-off cops!

This guard went for my camera but was defeated

Cops ordering sound system backed away

Waiting backup cops on their bus
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Download the file. A homeless veteran speaks
There were tons of cops on the scene, including a bus filled with cops parked across the street. At first the cops stayed back, but then they decided to push protesters away from the front of the Washington Court Hotel, where the MBA was meeting.
While the Mortgage Bankers Association was meeting in the Washington Court, sheriff's deputies around the country were no doubt continuing the storm of evictions associated with the subprime mortgage crisis. This being so, speaker after speaker warned that physical resistance to evictions was already beginning and could be expected to escalate fast!
One speaker at the event was a last-minute addition( in WSQT audio)-an area homeless veteran who noticed the protest and decided to join in. With homelessness the thanks she gets for 10 years in the military, who can blame her?