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Made in Canada

This is a very serious article about N.A.F.T.A and the NWO
Made in Canada.pdf (65 k)
A Truth Soldier.pdf (41 k)
Recipe for Insanity.pdf (85 k)

“Made in Canada”

by Daniel J Towsey

April 18, 2008



“The closed minded know everything but see nothing”



Before NAFTA, I could go to any retailer and I would have a really hard time to find anything that did not have a “Made in Canada” label.


The only items that had a different label were beautiful artistic items and great Japanese Electronics.


Once upon a time there was a lot of Canadian pride in our Canadian products. There was signs everywhere promoting “Buy Made in Canada” and little Canadianflags on Canadian products.


Now when I go shopping I can’t find anything “Made in Canada”


As a result of all the cheap Chinese products flooding all the new huge foreign retail store chains.


Before NAFTA we had lots of Canadian owned national retail chains. Like Woolco, Woolworths, Towers, By-way, K-Mart, Steinbergs, just to name few. All theseare now gone. We only have a couple of surviving chains. Like Zellers and Canadian Tire. They only survived because they now sell Chinese goods.


I went to my local Wal-Mart recently and saw a sign that said that Wal-Mart is concerned about selling goods manufactured in Canada, to help local employmentand does so when it can.


So I spoke with the store manager and asked her. What percentage of goods that were sold in the store were manufactured by Canadians. She had absolutelyno idea and it had never been anything she ever concerned herself with. And she absolutely did not care.


I told her that I walked all through the store and could not find any products with made in Canada labels. I asked her if she could show me any. She couldnot because she had no idea what, if any products were actually made in Canada.


I then said to her that the sign on the wall was absolutely deceptive.



China is a country that has no human rights and people work for slaves wages to produce those cheap goods we now buy.


 As a result our own manufacturing facilities have ceased and all the factories and equipment have been bought for nothing and shipped out to China.


I heard somewhere that the poor peasants in China have to work seven days a week everyday of the year. With no holidays or days off. If a worker gets sick,they loose their job and may loose their life.


As China has no public health care. China is a country with a huge population. Where life is very cheap and people are very disposable.

Anyone in China that dares to speak up, soon discovers that reality.


The same will soon be the case for all of us, as the NWO masters will have it all.


NAFTA is destroying our Canadian identity. The signs are everywhere.


We will pay dearly for the loss of our manufacturing. Like all corporate take overs. Where they flood the market with cheap goods and destroy our self sufficiency.The cheap goods will soon not be cheap. After we are completely dependent on cheap imported goods and can no longer make own. They will raise the prices.



Canada is a huge country with every conceivable natural resource.


So can anyone tell me why there is a food bank [where they give out free food to the starving] in every neighborhood? Even the middle class neighborhoodshave food banks. Every city also now has soup kitchens, where you can get a free meal once a day.



It’s because our wealth is being stolen and given to the executives in government and corporations. As long as the government workers are taken care of,they are very willing to ignore the situation.


That is why government workers no longer respond to, or care about the publics complaints or needs.


Since NAFTA my country’s natural resources are being stolen by foreign corporate vultures. No longer is the value of our natural resources being sharedwith all Canadians.


It is estimated that over 60% of Canada’s employment is as a result of government spending. So we have 60% of the employed that are tax receivers and thereis only about 20% that are actually true tax payers. The remaining are the many homeless, poor, sick, elderly, children, and the forgotten unemployed.


The bankers are responsible for the destruction of our country. Canada’s wealth has been diverted from the peoples government to the bankers. Please readmy “Once upon a time there was a Canada” to get the whole story.



The corrupt ‘Federal Reserve Systems’ are at the heart of all the worlds problems… Please read my “The last democracy” to get the rest of the story.


The out of control corporate criminals are proving that my Grand Mother was right when she told me some 45 years ago that, “Too much of a good thing, isnever good”. Will the bankers have it too good.



The huge corporations have been created as a result of the bankers being able to provide the funds because they produce money out of thin air.


It’s amazing how free money can corrupt everything. It’s a pyramid scheme. And the corruption has tricked down from the top and is now corrupting thevery foundations of civilization. We have entered a new dark ages where the light of truth is extinguished.


I am afraid that without TRUTH we only get insanity, from the insanity of Monsantos tampering with genetics, to unrestrained molecular tampering. That theunrestrained out of control insane are dooming this planet.




Please read my “Are you ready for the truth” but I have to warn you. It is a very serious article and may really upset you. And please do not take the easy way out and think of attacking the messenger. Do your own researchand you will eventually find out that everything I have written is backed up with the scary proof.


Only the brave seek truth, all others are just cowards.



Thanks to the digital age, The New World Order Masters are attacking individual rights and liberties from every direction at the same time.


The situation is so absolutely horrible. That every caring informed individual has to become a “Truth Soldier”.



And finally, please read my “Corrupt Canadian Elections” to learn how the digital age has made it so easy to fix vote results and completely subvert democracy and our ability to stop the NWO’s take over of our future……..


Your silence of the horrible truth of their deceptions will guaranty the NWO’s success..


For they thrive on secrecy..


So do you think it just might be time to start screaming for your very life?


While you still have a breath?


But I fear that the corporate medias hold on your thoughts of reality will make our survival and individual freedoms impossible.


Also learn about the machinations of the NWO’s depopulation agenda that is will underway. From the poison fluoride to the US Patented AIDS virus..and theFDA blocking LAETRILE one of the known cures for cancer.


Is this THE END






“A truth soldier”

“The last democracy”

“Once upon a time there was a Canada”

“Are you ready for the truth?”

“Corrupt Canadian Elections”





Additional LINKS


conspiraciesclub is loaded with thousands of links to documentary videos, articles, documents, photos and more. Plus you will receive important e-mails withyour free membership.

Canada's CEO’s sell out the nation What's Behind the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America"

Canada-US Relations - Defence Partnership – July 2003 They are going to hand over complete control of Canada’s military to the US..New World Order secret government

Deep Integration: TILMA and SPP to bring in rules to let corporations challenge Canada’s laws

Giving up on Canada — and Critical Thought?

Protocols Of Zion' Is The Illuminati Blueprint


Full text of “The Protocols of the learned elders of Zion”




Fluoride Deception Part 1

The Future of Foods
The Disturbing Truth Behind Genetic Engineering

The world according to monsanto
This is what insanity looks like

AIDS CURE: U.S. Patent #5676977
Dr. Boyd Graves discusses the origin of AIDS as well as the United States' patented cure, all based on official governmnet documentation







You must see this movie

Aaron Russo’s

America From Freedom to Fascism



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