News :: Activism : Education : Health Care : Media : Protest Activity
Peace When There Is No Peace **
15 May 2008
Bobby Meade
A Forum Topix post also known as A Sh*thead War. (Jer. 6:14; 8:11) 5/10 "A Nation of Sh*theads" 5/11 Anthrax Canadian-style. 5/14 Fire? Rain? The Choice Remains!
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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Education
Day 2 of "Operation Occupation" - Demanding Baltimore City Restore Funding to Peer2Peer Educational Programs

"Operation Occupation"--led by Baltimore City public school students from the Baltimore Algebra Project and other youth "peer2peer" educational programs--continued into its second day today. It included an afternoon of students speaking out against the structural underfunding of the public education system, followed by an impromptu meeting with Baltimore City Councilman Bill Henry.
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Enjoying Baltimore's Local Culture
with bands like "Blood on the Walls" and "Headwounds" playing, who has enough time to see them all?
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Welfare State and Inner Security
14 May 2008
Heinz Jurgen Dahme
The punitive side of welfare state reform is read as a success. Problems result because firstly there is not enough work and secondly those integrated in work can often hardly live from that. Massive exclusion and precariousness exist everywhere.
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Port Arthur Aniversary - A perspective
13 May 2008
Jeremy De'ath
My view of Port Arthur massacre Event
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LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Education
Algebra Project students rally to save p2p funding in Baltimore public schools

Student organizers and tutors from the Baltimore Algebra Project gathered today at City Hall to demand that the city restore $3 million dollars in funding for Peer-to-peer education programs to the public school budget.
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News :: Media
Counterpunch - Food riots are coming to the US
News Junkie Scott's Blog (5/13/2008)
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News :: War in Iraq
Why All of Our Efforts Won’t Stop an Attack on Iran
13 May 2008
Why All of Our Efforts Won’t Stop an Attack on Iran
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