Baltimore IMC :
Baltimore IMC

LOCAL Commentary :: Baltimore MD

Enjoying Baltimore's Local Culture

with bands like "Blood on the Walls" and "Headwounds" playing, who has enough time to see them all?

(all dialogue overheard in Fells Point.)

"I think I will check out Baltimore's local culture," the sailor said over drinks in a tavern, with a heavy Greek accent. "I will see a band tonight."

"What band?" another sailor asked the first.

"Let's see," the first sailor said, thumbing through his copy of the City Paper. "Playing tonight there is:

AK Slaughter,
Blood on the Walls,
The Death Set,
Drum of Death,

"They all sound like great bands," the second sailor said, approvingly. "You know, Baltimore has a very lively local music scene."

"Agreed," the first sailor replied. "Very lively culture. By the way, City Paper--that paper I now read--has a website. On it you can see nice videos from the band 'Blood on the Walls.'"

"That sounds like a very good video to watch. You know, I'm impressed that the leading weekly entertainment guide supports the band 'Blood on the Walls'. This is a City Paper worth reading."

"It's a pity we didn't make this port a few months ago," said the first sailor. "We missed the Ottobar's book-burning night."

"Yes, book burnings are normally great fun. They definitely make a city proud."

The first sailor raised his glass. The second sailor follows. They clink glasses. "To Baltimore! Charm City!"

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