LOCAL News :: Baltimore MD : Education
Day 2 of "Operation Occupation" - Demanding Baltimore City Restore Funding to Peer2Peer Educational Programs
"Operation Occupation"--led by Baltimore City public school students from the Baltimore Algebra Project and other youth "peer2peer" educational programs--continued into its second day today. It included an afternoon of students speaking out against the structural underfunding of the public education system, followed by an impromptu meeting with Baltimore City Councilman Bill Henry.
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Tents in front of City Hall
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Peer to peer on the mic
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Night falling on the tent village
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Students taking questions at the press conference
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Students talking with Councilman Henry
It turned out Baltimore City Councilman Bill Henry, while generally supportive, tried to convince the students that their demands were unrealistic.
While a rumored eviction of the occupation of the plaza outside City Hall didn't materialize (at least not before 10:30PM), the students did hold a press conference outlining their demands. Their demands included adequate funding for peer-to-peer (p2p) educational programs, and they reiterated their commitment to continue occupying the plaza until the city meets their demands.
Here's some photos from today's action:
Speaking personally, it was absolutely inspiring to watch the students, after a long night of camping yesterday, and a long day of action today, debate in a horizontal and directly democratic manner the course of the next days' actions. While not all of the peer2peer organizations whose funding is imperiled were represented at City Hall tonight, the willingness of the students who were present to take whatever steps necessary to save their programs (including potentially risking arrest), speaks very highly of the power of peer mentoring to develop true community leaders.