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Baltimore IMC


Submissions to the newswire


Commentary :: Economy

Will Bailout Minimize FBI Investigation Who Might Have Sold Fraudulent Loans/Securities?

Some lenders might have lowered their “own mortgage borrowers’ home values” by continuing to make sup-prime loans to unqualified borrowers in their community—after having “knowledge” the community had high numbers of mortgage defaults and foreclosures.

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News :: Elections & Legislation

remembering the bush Savings and Loan bailouts

the republicans are acting incensed over this recent bailout, but werent they the stupid scumbags that put this traitor in in the first place? wasnt it all about their lord?

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LOCAL News :: Crime & Police

ACLU: We Are All Suspects

If implemented, new guidelines will allow the FBI to interview you, your friends and your family under a false pretext.

The FBI could recruit secret informants and have them infiltrate peaceful protest groups.
Investigations based on little more than race, ethnicity or religion would be allowed.
The worst part is that we have good reason to believe the FBI has been violating its internal guidelines all along.

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LOCAL Announcement :: Latin America

Venezuela Rising Film at Nyumburu (FREE MOVIE EVENT)

The second Black Male Initiative Movie Night of the Fall Semester 2008 will be next Tuesday October 14, 2008 at 7:00 pm sharp. This event will be held in the Nyumburu Cultural Center on the campus of the University of Maryland, College Park.

This Event is 100 percent Free! All are welcomed to Attend. Directions and parking information can be found here.
The Featured Film will be Venezuela Rising

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News :: Crime & Police

Mccain Publicly Yearns For Dictatorship


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News :: Crime & Police



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News :: Latin America

¿quien defiende a los verdaderos terroristas?

Como parte de sus alegatos en defensa de los traficantes de transgénicos, que agreden a la población campesina paraguaya como si fueran sampanes vietnamitas a quienes fumigar con NAPALM y agente naranja, la prensa mediática cuestiona el apelativo de “terrorismo” aplicado al gremio agro-exportador.

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Review :: Culture


Story By: Michael Lupa

In December 14, last 2003, some of the people here in this country took charge of a review about the 90’s scene and the Movement’s outlook were third world. They were graduating but late and friends were youth but boring.

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News :: International Relations

Industriales de la miseria, los nuevos dueños del Paraguay

Declarar estado de emergencia es para algunos comedores de carroña de Paraguay un gran negocio, que se traduce en millones de dólares.

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Review :: Middle East

The Transparent Cabal


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