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remembering the bush Savings and Loan bailouts

the republicans are acting incensed over this recent bailout, but werent they the stupid scumbags that put this traitor in in the first place? wasnt it all about their lord?

TRUST OR HUSTLE: The Bush Record

(Details) (Absentee ballot fraud in 6 Florida Counties)

“What you’ve got with Bush [George senior] is absolutely the largest number of siblings and children involved in what looks like a never-ending hustle.”
- Republican pundit Kevin Philips.

In 1992 under President George Bush Sr., taxpayers were stuck with a $500 billion S&L bailout2 and the largest budget deficit in U.S. history. Eight years after Bush was defeated, the largest surpluses ever accrued. Coincidence? Consider the Bush family financial record:
GEORGE W. BUSH: Refused to answer news questions about an $848,000 stock sale probed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).3 Bush later claimed he was exonerated by the SEC when the SEC’s report on the probe specifically stated he was not exonerated.4 US News and World Report compared his financial record to brother Neil’s.5 (New developments on Bush stock cover-up.)
BROTHER JEB BUSH (campaigned recently with George): Lobbied to enable a Mob-linked Florida HMO to receive $1 billion in Medicare payments; its owner later fled the U.S. under indictment, suspected of up to $100 million in Medicare fraud.6 Jeb helped trigger the $285 million collapse of a Florida S&L by defaulting on a $4.5 million loan that was arranged thru a front with no repayment schedule specified.7
BROTHER NEIL BUSH: Played a key role in the $1 billion collapse of Silverado Banking in Denver.8
UNCLE JONATHAN BUSH: Fined in two states for violating securities laws.9
UNCLE PRESCOTT BUSH: Arranged investments for a Japanese Mob front in two U.S. firms; both later filed for bankruptcy.10
GEORGE BUSH SR.: Disbanded the independent federal organized crime strike forces, which had been successfully prosecuting S&L looters.11 (See complete details and documentation on all of above at
Republican pundit Kevin Phillips called this Bush family record a “never-ending hustle.”12
Do we really want this bunch to do to privatized social security what they did to the S&Ls?
David E. Scheim, PhD, is the author of the 1989 New York Times bestseller, Contract on America. He is a retired commissioned officer in the U.S. Public Health Service.
This criminal family Bush has committed treason with trust, repeating the same history again and again, because American news is paid to not report the truth.
Restore trust, indict treason.

And HERES how they will keep it going!

Election fraud, November 2, 2004?

Were thousands of reported cases of election fraud part of a nationwide effort to steal the election for Bush, or just isolated incidents?  E.g., see a University of California study released 11-18: "something went awry with electronic voting in Florida," says the lead researcher, a member of the National Academy of Sciences.  See also the overview below.  Recounts and investigations in progress may answer these questions.

Links to best sites tracking election irregularities - each with links to others
    A comprehensive review on election irregularities and electronic voting

Donate to support pending recounts and FOIA requests, Ohio and other states.

Would this guy ever possibly cheat, e.g., steal an election?

Left: Bush at second debate, with bulge. 
This is from Dan Froomkin's account at of Charles Gibson's Good Morning America interview with Bush aired October 26th.:

"Brandishing a copy of the photo, Gibson asked: "Final question. What the hell was that on your back, in the first debate?"

Bush chuckled.  Bush: "Well, you know, Karen Hughes and Dan Bartlett have rigged up a sound system -- "

Gibson: "You're getting in trouble -- "

Bush: "I don't know what that is. I mean, it is, uh, it is, it's a -- I'm embarrassed to say it's a poorly tailored shirt."
On November 8th, updated thru November 11th, an MSNBC news host, a respected and veteran journalist, reported what he called as a “blood curdling group of reports of voting irregularities and possible fraud” in the recent Presidential election.  You can view the 16-minute video from

A new report  raises more questions concerning the vote result disparities in Florida reported by MSNBC.

Summary: Many Florida counties that were overwhelming Democratic by voter registration, up to 88%, wound up voting overwhelming for Bush, as much as 4-1.  The interesting thing is that this situation occurred selectively in counties with a certain type of vote-counting technology (optical scanning) provided by Diebold.  In the chart below, note how the Bush vote is much higher than expected, up to 200% more, only in the counties using these Diebold optical scanning devices.

Also of interest is an academic report which concludes that the discrepancy in Bush votes tallied v. sampled in exit polls is sizable and difficult to explain.  See, for example, the exit polling for Ohio reported late election night (third attachment) which put Kerry 4.2% ahead; the official vote count has Bush ahead 2.5%.  (Note, by the morning of November 3rd, posted media exit polls had all been adjusted to reflect official vote counts.)  The tallied v. exit poll discrepancies for Bush in other states, for example, were 9.5% in New Hampshire, 6.5% in Pennsylvania, 5.5% in Minnesota, and 4.9% in Florida. Nationally, exit polls put Kerry 2% ahead, not 3% behind as totaled from the official vote counts.  This paper lists exit polling v. tallied results for several states, with sample sizes.

It provides some interesting background on exit polling data, including this quote from Republican pollster Dick Morris: “Exit polls are almost never wrong....  So reliable are the surverys that actually tap voters as the leave the polling places that they are used as guides to the relative honesty of elections in Third World countries.”  And this interesting bit of history: “Last fall, international foundations sponsored an exit poll in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia during a parliamentary election.  On Election Day, the pollsters projected a victory for the main opposition party.  When the sitting government counted the votes, however, it announced that its own slate of candidates had won.  Supporters of the opposition stormed the Parliament, and the president, Eduard A. Shevardnadze, resigned under pressure from the United States and Russia.”

In North Carolina, a study of November 2nd election results find some strange anomalies comparing the absentee vote with the live results in various races. In most of these races the result were quite similar. In the governor's race, for example, there was only a 0.5% difference between the absentee and live results. But in the senatorial race the pro-GOP gap was six points higher in  the live results than in the absentee vote. And in the presidential race the difference was 9 points.

HOWEY POLITICAL REPORT – In North Carolina, election equipment counted straight party votes for Democratic candidates as Libertarian votes, in an error "that could affect election outcomes in as many" as 9 counties. Democrats discovered the error in Franklin County  on 11/9 after noticing a final tally they couldn't "decipher."

The reports above square with several other credible reports I have seen in news sources and from direct accounts by acquaintances watching the November 2nd election of voting machines having Republican candidates selected by default, of significant discrepancies in voter count v. total presidential vote in individual precincts, and other problems. 

MSNBC, 'Countdown with Keith Olbermann' for Nov. 8, 8 PM ET

EXCERPTS: “There is a small but blood curdling group of reports of voting irregularities and possible fraud. . . . In Dixie County [Florida], 77.5 percent registered Democrats, Bush 4,433, Kerry 1,959.  Lafayette County, 83 percent Democratic, Bush, 2,460.  Kerry, 845. . .  Five examples in 29 counties [in Florida] with decided Democratic margins that suddenly voted overwhelmingly for Mr. Bush. 

The 29 counties in which that happened were among the 52 in the state that tallied their votes using paper ballots that were optically scanned by machines produced by the Diebold Corporation, the Sequoia Company or Elections Systems and Software. . . . In Florida counties where optical scanning of paper ballots was not used, no such violent swings were reported  Counties with heavy Democratic registration voted Democratic, counties with heavy Republican registration voted Republican. . . .

full report:,%20highlights%20(11-16-2004).doc

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