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Let us not forget that 700 billion the government tried to steal to bail out the elite financial class recently, aka the elite deviant class, is less than one third of the amount (2.6 trillion) reported mysteriously missing from the dod by the rabbi dov zakhein, the bionic zionist, on September 10th 2001. Thats right, the day before 911.


It has been argued, and quite convincingly too, that all this war and hooplah of the bush traitor administration is just the way israel chooses to take all the money from America, which it believes belongs to israel, because israel controls and even makes all the money here. Prints it, that is. The federal reserve IS the tool that was used to build zionist israel, and now they are just making off with what they believe is theirs. This last attempted heist of only .7 trillion dollars is nothing compared to what has already occurred many times over. It is said the bush familys immediate first level profits alone, over the 8 years, amount to 20 billion dollars and then some. Americans are patting themselves on the back for waking up, and perhaps thats warranted, and better late than never. Lets hope not too little too late. Hope like hell.

The israelis used the backdoor created by the embarassing and erroneous system of ignorance portraying them as Gods chosen. A bad joke and the most ludicrous thing this planets history has concluded to date. Remember: Lords and Kings are DEFINITELY UnAmerican. As people like the rabbi dov zakheim, michael chertoff, paul wolfowitz, and the other puppet masters of the traitor have shown us graphically.

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